Security Stockpiles Weapons
Which is to say that,
many among us willingly prefer Hell,
to the
kind, gentle, good, and loving rule of God.
many among us willingly prefer Hell,
to the
kind, gentle, good, and loving rule of God.
Snopes confirms that SSA issued
a Request for Quote for 174,000 rounds of hollow point bullets. The rest is either unconfirmed or denied by
Before we rush headlong
into panic, we ought to consider the crucial historic fact that Hitler
succeeded in part by secretly developing and arming his forces, and by subtly suppressing
his opponents. This historic fact should
greatly sober our decisions, and drive us back into detailed examination of pre-World
War II history.
Among the cardinal
factors prior to World War II are these: Open anarchy against God and His absolute
authority over man, even to the point of putting God on trial. Open denial of the Lord Jesus Christ as the
only Savior of the world, to the point of declaring many human saviors,
frequently done in the name of science falsely so called. Open rejection of the Bible as God’s
immediate instruction to the Church, and to the human race at large, even
reducing the Bible to ten suggestions. Open
disregard for the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, often to the point of
reviving and practicing ancient heresies. Open disrespect for the leadership of the
Church; and fractured though that Church may be on earth, unwillingness to pull
Her back together: it is our own arrogance, and bullheaded stubbornness that
keeps us apart, not the will and leadership of God. This results in grasping after every idolatrous
utopian scheme that is offered up. This
results in open disregard for any authority of any kind.
The obvious conclusion is
that if we fail to return to God, there remains no hope whatsoever for the
well-regulated continuation of ours, or of any other society. What we must rather expect from our headlong
descent to destruction is conquest, turning on each other in civil war, condemnation,
famine, and death (Revelation 6:2-8).
This is no doomsday prophecy;
rather it describes the inevitable, universal consequence of failing to follow
the gentle leadership of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Without His guidance, society rapidly disintegrates with the certain
consequence of extreme polarization, and turning on one another in civil war. Once man loses his sense of decency and
honor, he quickly loses his way: lemming like, man is easily lured to his own
That this situation
should continue to decline into certain Phariseeism, and a holier than thou
judgmentalism, with attendant increasing condemnation is no mystery. Or similarly decline into certain Saduceeism,
a laxity of faith, where anything goes, and where all obedience is considered
to be legalism. It happened between 586
and 4 BC in large segments of Judea, and it will happen again. The bitter elder son and the devil may care
younger son remain among us today (Luke 15:11-32). Our immediate reaction to disaster is to
blame somebody else. Whichever side you’re
on, both sons are at fault. It is so, so
hard to remove the moat from our own eye.
God doesn’t take sides, favoring one sin over another: He hates, but is
patient with both sins.
That famine and death
should follow is no mystery either.
What is a mystery is that
we, having deserted the kind leadership of God, would expect something else to
happen. Isn’t it perfectly clear that
nothing we can say or do, no government action or policy, not even the
Constitution or its First and Second Amendments will shield us from the wrath
of God and from our own madness and self destruction.
Nor should we we be
deceived into believing that God will lift His hand against us. No, He will simply remove His kind, gentle,
good, and loving leadership from among us: this leadership, which we currently
despise. The rest we will do to
ourselves. God, giving us that very
thing, which we demand of Him; we inevitably self-destruct. Until, at last, we have become fit for only
one thing: to be cast into the Lake of Fire.
This is, after all, exactly what we want.
We have no foundation
left to withstand the powerful immoral forces at work within our own
government. So before we deal with our
own government, so obviously out of control, perhaps we should consider this
question: Do we really want to get serious about loving and obeying God? I think our answer to that question is, “No! Hell No!”
Which is to say that,
many among us willingly prefer Hell,
to the
kind, gentle, good, and loving rule of God.
many among us willingly prefer Hell,
to the
kind, gentle, good, and loving rule of God.
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