Saturday, May 4, 2013

Bangladesh: Class Warfare

Bangladesh: Class Warfare

The sorrows of the people of Bangladesh continue.  I remember Viggo Olsen’s labors in Bangladesh some 33-years ago, Daktar: Diplomat in Bangladesh.

Global Economy is the Cause.

The horrors of the global economy continue to confront us.  Obviously, a global economy is a ploy of the rich and powerful to control, even to enslave the working classes.  So workers worldwide are pitted against each other to drive costs and popular power to a minimum, while maximizing wealthy power and control.  It is embarrassing that this is carried out through the buying practices of the poor, in places like Wal-Mart.

The Reality of Bengali Life, It’s Cheap.

The flip side of this horror is that life has always been cheap in Bangladesh.  Few care if anyone lives or dies: that’s just the way it is.  In the bitter ironies of life, a dangerous, potentially lethal factory job in Bangladesh is better than no job at all.  Poor Americans, who shop at places like Wal-Mart, get to share a pittance of wealth with poverty stricken Bengalis.

An American Factory, It’s Funding College.

Yesterday’s news offered another irony.  An American sewing factory could not find enough expert skilled sewing technicians and is sponsoring advanced education for sewing technicians with guaranteed jobs upon graduation.  Who would have thought, College for Sewing?  Folks used to consider that, a trade, taught and learned on the job.  The irony here is that the global economy has so eviscerated America’s working class that skilled workers cannot be found.  Meanwhile, even engineering jobs are being shipped overseas.

Class Warfare, Nothing Changes.

The obvious solution is that power must be taken away from our worldwide wealthy monarchy.  But this is class warfare, you complain.  Yes, this is class warfare.  It was class warfare in 1446 BC during the days of Moses, in 1000 BC in David’s kingdom, in 586 BC with the fall of Jerusalem, in 33 AD at the Crucifixion of Christ.  This has always been, and will always be about class warfare.  If you don’t believe me, it is only because you haven’t been reading your Old Testament; the incessant complaint of the Psalms and Prophets is the abuse of the poor and needy.  You haven’t been reading your New Testament either, because Luke 1:46-55 and 4:18-19 make it exceedingly clear.

Us Versus God, We Lose.

Nevertheless, this is not a war than can be won by physical might, by multiplication of guns and other weapons, by cheap talk or writing.  This war can only be won by returning to God.  Yes, the fundamental reason we have got ourselves in such a mess is that we have abandoned God, and now He is abandoning us.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” — 2 Chronicles 7:14

But then, we’re not really willing to “turn from [our] wicked ways,” Are we?

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