President is a member in good standing of a Congregational church (UCC: I am compelled to accept that at face value,
and give the President the benefit of the doubt. This is no more or less than I must give to
all who name the name of Jesus Christ. I’m
simply not free to do otherwise; Christ requires it of me. The reports of the President being Muslim
appear to be exaggerated and contrary to fact.
The claim that he is a Satanist is extreme.
what I do call in question is the President’s behavior. Just because he claims to be a Christian does
not, in and of itself, make him a Christian.
A Christian is a faithful follower of Christ. This requires certain patterns of
behavior. These patterns appear to be lacking
in the President. Specifically, he has
consistently betrayed the Roman Catholic Church and other Christians opposed to
abortion and the culture of death. Specifically,
he has consistently supported moderate Muslim issues. Since these actions are against Christ, I am
equally compelled to identify the President as anti-Christ, not the
Anti-Christ, which would be absurd. I am
compelled to draw the same conclusion of many other politicians, including Mr.
I may not turn away from the President’s (or any other person’s) baptism. The fault may not be entirely with the
President. The UCC may be culpable for
false or week teaching. No one would
accuse the UCC of being a bastion of Orthodoxy, even though many local UCC
churches remain faithful. The
possibility that the President is poorly taught is indeed unfortunate: yet,
this is completely understandable in a nation that, for the most part, has
forgotten Christ.
issue of Islam may be as innocent as the sincere desire to diffuse a
complicated international political issue: one in which we seem to have put our
foot in a trap. While I do not like the
President’s tactics in this matter, he is the President and I am not. These tactics make the President a politician,
they do not necessarily make him a Muslim.
Still, we would be very naïve to fail to be wary of Islam. Islam certainly does have an idea of global
conquest, of manifest destiny. Hmmm....
God gives leaders to nations that are suitable to the faith and faithfulness of
the nation. Human leaders are merely
symptomatic of the national reality. It
is obvious that our nation has gone a long way in the service of Satan. We are ill served to demand the President’s
repentance without expecting our own repentance. If we pray for the President’s repentance, it
is because we hope that he will lead us to own repentance. Nothing short of national revival is
acceptable. America must turn to Christ,
or perish.
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