Saturday, October 5, 2013

Debt Slavery 4

Debt Slavery 4

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Here is where we left this topic, just about a year ago:

The bottom line is, we are in trouble as a nation.  This debt-slavery is no joke.  Please take it seriously.  I still trust the solution recommended by Moses and dozens of other prophets, and guaranteed by Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Jesus, I trust.  Moses, I trust.  Any other opinions, I don’t trust.  The specifics change day-by-day, but the long-term principles never change.

·       Get out of debt and stay out of debt.

·       Show mercy, hate cruelty, help others in trouble; love your neighbor as yourself.

·       Never forget where all blessings came from, love God with all your heart.  You have a job because He gave it to you.  Become a more thankful person.

·       Enjoy sunrises, sunsets, and the simple pleasures of life and remember that your Creator gave them all to you.

·       Go to Church on Sunday, and remember that the most powerful person in the universe is still in charge of this mess.

Debt Slavery, an Update

I believe that debt slavery is a wicked and cruel social malignancy.

I believe that Moses specifies the only acceptable and possible working model in Exodus, where he requires zero interest,[1] very restricted debt on a 7 year cycle, and total debt absolution on a 7 x 7, 50 year cycle.

Our Prayer

We regularly pray, “forgive us our debts,” where the Greek word, ὀφειλήματα, refers specifically to duties, fiscal debt, and other obligations at law in exact conformity to the law of Moses.  Yet we consistently ignore this requirement.  We are nothing but a bunch of unrighteous hyocrites.

The Law of the Kingdom

Jesus says, I have come to fulfill the law . and the prophets, that is the entire Old Testament.[2]  Hence, this is the unmovable law of God's kingdom.  All Christians are bound to submit to it.

I, as a Christian, have no choice.  My King outranks my earthly nation.  I must hate and war against interest, and long term or predatory debt wherever I find any of them.  I must hate and war against any group that supports them.  Hence, the Federal Government of the United States and The Federal Reserve Banking system are in defiance of God’s unmovable Kingdom Law insofar as they promote and tolerate either any interest or any debt outside of the strict limits imposed by Moses.  Yet, at the same time I must find a place in my heart to love those involved in this sordid work.  Specifically, I must love them enough to tell them the truth about their sin, and faithfully pray for their repentance, so that they may escape the wrath of God brought down upon them for their own cruelty.  No one is allowed by God to be involved in this sordid mess in any way.  It is forbidden.

Nothing short of Moses’ full plan is acceptable to me.  To rub salt in my own wounds, Moses just makes good sense.  All this would fall to the ground had not Christ Himself made such a point of it in the Gospels.

What Matthew Says

For instance, the Gospel of Matthew divides itself into five main Sections.  Two of these Sections end with an exhortation on debt: Matthew 18 and 25.  Elsewhere, I have written extensively on Matthew 18,[3] but have not yet had time to pursue Matthew 25, or all of Matthew in detail.  The evidence is overwhelming.  Jesus is most certainly preaching the fiscal law of Moses.  It is the law of the kingdom.  It is not a suggestion.  Those who persist to live in defiance of it are asking to be thrown into the Lake of Fire.  In Matthew 6:15 a new Greek word, παραπτῶματα, is used.  This word means misstep or stumbling.  It is one thing to stumble at the law as we all must.  It is another thing to openly defy the law: this is not of faith and is unforgivable.

The Result is Freedom

The direct result of the Mosaic code is to obliterate slavery and the cruelty of it.  The only way to truly escape slavery is to enter God's kingdom by faith in Jesus Christ, the King of that Kingdom.  It appears that this Kingdom proclaims the final application of the Mosaic code in an eternal form, because Jesus fulfills it, and His blood is eternal.[4]

What Luke Says

Mary foresees all these things and sings of its future reality.[5]  Finally, Jesus Himself proclaims this teaching openly and clearly in Luke 4:14-21.  His words cannot be misunderstood, but they are certainly denied.

The Impact on our Nation

Shakespeare understood this when he wrote, “Neither borrower nor lender be....” Merchant of Venice.  We know it too, but by our open refusal to obey, we bring down well deserve fire upon our own heads.  Debt and usury are both cruel forms of slavery.  A slavery which God forbids, but we flaunt openly.  If we don't get this right, our nation will surely be destroyed.  At that point, I say, “good riddance.”  “Give me Liberty or give me death.”  We heard the alarm and did nothing about it.  Our house is on fire, and it will surely burn to the ground.  It's just a matter of time.

The Purpose is Love for God

The purpose of this strong law is plainly stated.  God wants people to love Him freely.  To this end, He openly displays His goodness everywhere.  “Everything we are and have, stems from His relationship with us.”  The Federal Government supplies nothing: it is simply a conduit.

As the necessary and obvious byproduct of loving God freely, God wants people to love each other freely.  Why?  Because, all are created in His image, Christ became man to die for all, and all may receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.  It’s that simple.  It’s that complicated.  Debt Slavery is simply incompatible with this world and life view.  Debt Slavery is incompatible with God's Kingdom.

Yours in Christ,

Herb Swanson, aka Augie

[1] The Bible defines usury as any interest rate greater than zero.  Moses only applied this within Nation Israel-Judah.  Christ extends this law to the whole human race without exception.
[2] This figure of speech is a form of hendiadys, where two words, frequently the first and the last, are used to describe the whole: Alpha and Omega, first and last, hot and cold.  The Old Testament is often referred to as the Law and the Prophets, or as the Law, Prophets, and Writings, which are the three common Jewish divisions of the Old Testament, the TANAKH, which is an acronym for Torah (Hebrew for Teaching: namely, the Five Books of Moses; Nevi’im (Hebrew for Prophets) and Ketuvim (Hebrew for Writings).
[4] Hebrews 13:20-21
[5] Luke 1:46-55

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