Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Polarization, Disagreement



I’m sorry, I wish I could agree.  I do not see the voice of well-ordered reason in any of these proposed solutions.
A few months ago, we were polarized nationally over racism and monument destruction.  Now our attention has been directed at school shootings and gun control: we are polarized more than ever.  What will be the next “big thing” that has us at each other’s throats?  Neighbor warring against neighbor: to what purpose?  Are we even listening to ourselves talk?
Ostensibly, George Soros funded that whole march thingy.  I don’t know that this is true.  Yet, for Soros it would only be the cost of doing business: he would gladly drop a million or two to make ten or twenty million.  Here is the real difference between him and us... we think ourselves wise and shrewd to drop a buck or two to make two or four cents.  We are happy to get a 2% return.  Soros is unhappy with less than a 1,000% return.  Soros multiplies money, while we divide it.  So why would Soros be playing “Pied Piper of Hamelin”, leading our children astray?  What’s in it for him, or any other big player for that matter?
Is the wise and prudent solution to send our kids back to school so they can master algebra 1 and become inventive creators of more weapons of mass destruction?  What does our present academia really serve?  Obviously, it does not serve peace and safety, public welfare, or job creation for the poor.
We have failed in our own quest for wisdom: we don’t have a clue.  We have failed to inculcate wisdom in the hearts of our children.  Now we are to respect these unwise children, because their unwise solutions are better than our own unwise solutions?  So, let’s tear down the Second Amendment?  To what end?  So, we, on the other hand, should listen to the perpetually whiny NRA?  Why?
I hear everything in this mix except honor father and mother; except love God and neighbor.  It’s Lent.  It’s Holy Week.  Easter is upon us, and we have spent our time arguing and fighting.  Why?
All of these issues are trivial smokescreens, designed to distract us from what is really important.  We have become a more and more Godless, selfish nation every year.  Old traditions are being trashed by the thousands.  We have tons of laws that nobody acts upon: and nobody wants to know why.  Our country is enslaved to debt and usury: nobody seems to care enough to do anything about it.  We are facing rapid energy depletion: nobody wants to own up to it.  We abuse the poor and needy as a habit: so what?  Our freedoms are being eroded by the handful: everybody knows it!  Do nothing, is our motto.
I see more polarization.  I don’t see much reasoned wisdom. I see a lot of fighting among ourselves.  I don’t see seasoned leaders, who are stepping up to lead us through this tangled mess.  I see good leaders, marginalized by the wicked.  I see grand larceny in the highest offices of the land.  I don’t see a lot of crying out to God for help.  I don’t see a general willingness to obey God either....

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