Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Polarization, Shadow Governments


Shadow Governments

Without buying into the paranoia of conspiracy movements; we hasten to point out that the Bible teaches us that Satan has a conspiracy movement: Satan sows tares in God’s field of wheat.[i]  So, conspiracy movements can and do exist.

We might be tempted to show excessive concern for these; yet, Christ commands us to leave them alone, lest we root up and kill the wheat.  But, this is exactly what we have done in all the movements throughout history in our futile attempts to purify the Church.  Both the Novatians[ii] and the Donatists[iii] splintered because they wanted a purer Church.  Augustine was accused with opposing the Donatists; what Augustine truly sought was a gentler treatment of those who had fallen.[iv]  Thus purification movements have continued down through the ages:[v] doing the exact opposite of what Christ commanded us to do, until we have around thirty-thousand denominations: each more perfect than the other.  Now we await the formation of more new denominations: the anti-monument and pro-monument churches; the anti-weapon and pro-weapon churches; and coming soon to Oklahoma, the anti-teacher and pro-teacher denominations.  When we explore the phenomena of four, seemingly identical, churches at one intersection: we soon discover that they developed one-at-a-time, as someone took offense over the cookies at a bake sale.  This is the spreading, growing church of the polarizations.

What Christ specifically commanded was to let them alone until the end of the age, when the angelic reapers would deal with the problem during the harvest.[vi]  Moreover, He commanded that we pray for the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest field.[vii]  Obviously, two different meanings of harvest are intended: one indicating evangelism; the other indicating judgment.

So, polarizing conspiracy movements exist, even in the Church; their ability to destroy is incredible… who can imagine or even count thirty-thousand denominations.  The healing remedy is forgiveness.[viii]  Thus we now turn our attention to consider another conspiracy movement, a polarizing force, a shadow government that has as much to do with running this world as any king, parliament, or president.  I’m not even sure that it has to be conspired to function; once tolerated, it takes on a life of its own: we refer, of course, to the banking-usury business and like industries.

The banking-usury business has done more than anything else to change the goal of human activity from service to mankind to making a profit.  It, by its very nature, intends to pit us against each other in business competition, which is considered a healthy benefit, rather than a perverse evil.  So, the new chain buys up property, just outside of our town, and promptly destroys the cooperative environmental culture of the town, through unequal, unfair, and unjust competition: the town fails because it can no longer compete.  The contorted buying power of the chain proves to be an economic juggernaut: it exists to destroy and divide society.

That this banking-usury business has tipped the scales of wealth to dump most of the worlds wealth into the laps of thirty or forty thousand people is no mystery.  Every one of us has heard of the 1% of the 1% of Americans.  If there are 350 million Americans, there are roughly 35 thousand very wealthy people, mostly Americans, who rule the world’s slightly less than 7.5 billion people, through debt slavery.  Few of these 35 thousand people hold public office: they buy and sell politicians as the employees and minions they are.

Many people see this banking-usury business as a Jewish conspiracy; maybe it is and maybe it isn’t.  The trouble with this line of thinking is that innocent Jews, who have nothing to do with the banking-usury business are punished; while most of the guilty Jews and other criminals get away, scot-free.

It is no use pretending that Jews are not historically involved.  Their war against Christianity has gone on since Paul persecuted Christians; since 40 vowed to kill Paul before supper; and down through the centuries.  They were evidently active in Venice, sowing lies of intrigue across the empire; helping to plot the Fourth Crusade, the downfall of Constantinople; and otherwise promoting discord behind a cloak of innocence.  For the cause of usury, they were expelled from England (1290) and Spain (1492).  Fleeing from Spain many Jews settled in Holland, coincident with the development and rise of the usurious Dutch Bank; coincident with growth of the Dutch West Indies Company.  Both were mirrored in the Bank of England and the East India Company, when Jews were readmitted to England.  A list of powerful modern bankers includes many Jewish names, besides Bloomberg and Rothschild: so some Jews are still in the business.[ix]

This, however, makes little or no difference.  We do not believe, as Henry Ford did: and popularized the idea of Jewish conspiracy.[x]  Even if true, we see little benefit in re-polarizing the world over Jew and Gentile.  We must identify the guilty and call them to repentance without polarizing the rest of the world in the process.

The heart of the matter is that both Old and New Testaments prohibit and condemn usury in any form.  It doesn't matter who does it: Gentile or Jew.  It's wrong.

What is necessary is to find a peaceful means of putting this world banking-usury business, this shadow government out of operation: so that, elected governments can operate without being manipulated by the financial sector.

Our suggestion is that a worldwide cap of 14% be set on all present usury.  That predatory practices, such as school loans[xi], be abolished immediately.  And that the usury cap be reduced by 1% a year until the legal amount of usury is zero.  Furthermore, that no existing rate of usury may be increased.  Put the poisonous snake of Shadow Government out of its misery....

[i] Matthew 13:24-30

[iv] Matthew 6:14-15

[vi] Matthew 13:24-30

[vii] Matthew 9:35-38; Luke 10:1-2

[viii] Matthew 6:14-15

[xi] Education loans are another kettle of fish, which we may attempt to boil in our next letter.

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