Friday, January 9, 2015

Capitalism vs. Christianity

Capitalism vs. Christianity[1]

It is a silly and dangerous thing to equate Capitalism and Christianity.  Now where did that madman, Kim Jong-un get such a silly idea?  Who taught him that?  Unfortunately, we know who paid the price for such a silly error.  Christianity and Capitalism are mutually exclusive religions: for Christ clearly taught us that we cannot love both God and mammon.  Capitalism is clearly about the pursuit of mammon, and openly claims that it is the superior method for such a pursuit.  Christianity, on the other hand, insists that real life comes from the heavenly supply of daily manna.[2]  “Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”[3]

[2] John 6
[3] Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4
[4] If you have been blessed or helped by any of these meditations, please repost, share, or use any of them as you wish.  No rights are reserved.  They are designed and intended for your free participation.  They were freely received, and are freely given.  No other permission is required for their use.

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