Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fiscal Cliff 1

I’m trying to check out the following as I write.

So far, I have no confirming or denying information.  The report, as written, contains some errors or misconceptions.

“This scheme mirrors what I expect the President will try to do with Social Security.  He wants to turn that program into a welfare program, too.”  National Seniors Council National Director Robert Crone

Crone’s statement errs in that Social Security is already a welfare program.  As nearly everyone knows, that is its fundamental problem: S/S never was a savings program; it always depended on the donations of dependents to support the aging.  Payouts are only loosely tied to, and never funded by the deposits of the same generation.  However, at its inception S/S was 1% and relatively harmless.[1]  In 1990, that number grew to 6.2% plus an additional 1.45% for health insurance.

Matching numbers were paid by employers from the inception of the program.  However, this is patently deceptive.  OASDI and HI paid by employers are costs of doing business.  No businessperson in his right mind is going to pay these fees without recovering them.  The obvious methods of recovering them are to suppress salaries or to increase cost of sales.  Since increases in cost of sales are limited by the market, and are reflected immediately as cost of living, all of these costs are reflected to the wage earner.  The real cost to the wage earner ranged from 2% in 1937 (still harmless) to 15.3% in 1990.  This is now clearly a toxic load.[2]

According to SSA the rates for 2012 are:[3]

·       S/S 4.2% for employees

·       S/S 6.2% for employers

·       Medicare 1.45% for both employees and employers

This is a net drop of 2% to 13.3% overall which is still a toxic load.  Evidently, the 2% drop took place in 2011.[4]

Individuals making $24,000 a year or less (no wife, no children, no other dependents) cannot afford to forfeit 13.3% of budget, pay taxes, and survive.  Even after mortgage-free home ownership is achieved in retirement, a married couple cannot survive on less than $36,000 a year.[5]

To add insult to injury, Medicare victims are taxed an additional:[6]

·       $1,156 annual hospital deductable

·       $99.90 monthly Part B

·       $145 annual Part B deductable

·       20% Part B coinsurance

·       1990 Medicaid was introduced, which is a purely welfare program[7]

As the NNRS[8] overture is explained, it basically turns extant retirement programs into S/S programs.  That these can be juggled into increased-welfare emphasis is no mystery.  That this proposal is going in the wrong direction is also fairly obvious: it supposes that money grows on trees and that those who refuse to work have a right to eat.  The answer to both of these questions is obviously, NO!

The real question is, "Will it happen?"  Yes, of course it will happen, perhaps not in this form, but it will happen in some form.  It does not make any difference which party is in power, it will still happen.  Here’s the math.  The government, along with nearly everybody else, has overspent its income.  All levels of government, business, and private individuals are seriously in debt.  One way or another, the debt must be served.  The federal government will eventually come after any money or appearance of money that exists anywhere including your savings.  If and when these funds are exhausted, and taxes cannot be increased anymore, more money will be printed (inflation).  In any case it is fairly obvious that the citizenry will be bled to death and the system will collapse.  It’s inevitable.  No one will have a dime left, and we will be in Greece’s shoes, total default.  It’s inevitable.

The illusion is that there is a way out of this box.  People want to believe that some politician or other offers a way out.  There is no way out.  The damage was done years ago.  The only recovery plan that makes any sense is to wipe out the whole system today, start over from scratch, and do it right this time.  Instead, everybody is jockeying for power, and everybody will lose.

There are names for this sort of statistical game.  This is more complicated than 2 x 2 games, but the idea is the same.  In 2 x 2 games, these are called coordination, battle of sexes, chicken, and prisoner’s dilemma.[9]

We are now obviously playing the chicken game; you know how that’s played: the only way to win is to face a head on collision, but winning results in obvious death.  The only way to live is not to play, but that is not a Nash equilibrium,[10] so nobody is willing to do that.  Either side can find a better position by playing the game (more prestige, more power, more money).  As a result, given the present value system, both sides will play, and both sides will die: because, jumping in the ditch represents an enormous loss of prestige, power, money, and face.  Nobody will be willing to go in the ditch and yield victory to the other side.  A Schelling point[11] must be found and/or the game must be changed.

As the level of crime (federal theft) increases this could transition into the prisoner’s dilemma.  Each prisoner improves his position by ratting the other guy out.  Consequently, both prisoners turn rat, and both lose.

As far as I know, there is only one solution, which is Moses' solution.  Kill off all the debt and never let it happen again.  All loans are 0% interest loans and short-term payback (7 years).  A strict division is drawn between lending and business risk investing.  Business risk investing may share its predetermined proportion of profits of any magnitude for any time, but must also accept total loss as a risk (no bailouts under any circumstances).  Job loss is not a real consideration; it is a smokescreen that covers up the problem.  The reality is that all jobs are lost as soon as the business becomes unprofitable; we just want to live in denial of the facts.

The objection is frequently raised that this is nothing more than defaulting on loans, which is a vicious social evil.  I would agree except for the fact the the loans were established under fraudulent conditions to begin with.  This always was a Dutch book.[12]  We have always played with loaded dice.  High risks were always sheltered, but jobs were never ever really sheltered.[13]  The system was dishonest from square one.

To get out of the box we are going to have to obey Moses and Christ, and write off all the debts.  We need to do this in an orderly fashion if at all possible.  Otherwise it will be done to us, as it is being done to Greece right now.  Controlled or uncontrolled, orderly or disorderly, the game always ends the same way.

Is the federal government coming after your savings?  Yer darn tootin, they are.  It’s just a matter of when and how.

Yours in Christ,

Herb aka Augie

[5] my estimates of survival living
[8] New National Retirement System
[9] Stevens, Scott P., Games People Play: Game Theory in Life, Business, and Beyond (The Teaching Company, Chantilly, Virginia, 2008) 219 pages, 2 CDs
[10]  John Forbes Nash, Jr. (,_Jr.)
[11]  It would be folly to believe that anyone is communicating or is even able to communicate in the current game.  The current game tends to render communication impossible.
[13] When your boss goes broke, your job is gone, and a bailout doesn’t really solve the problem; it simply redefines who went broke.  In this case instead of mega-companies going broke the debt is transferred to the backs of the populace, and the populace goes broke.  Since the populace is also the workers, jobs no longer exist.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Visibility of the Holy Ghost

The Church did not need X-ray vision on Pentecost, 33 AD.  Have we offended the Holy Spirit that much?

A Statement of the Problem

The nature of the problem is such that I cannot approach it without the severe risk of offending someone or everyone.  However, I have no desire to offend anyone: not Orthodox, not Pentecostal, not Protestant, nor Roman Catholic.  The reality is that I have no solution to the problem.  My hope is that by attempting to state the problem, no matter how crudely I do so, eventually, other, better minds will be drawn into the discussion, refine the problem statement, and find the way through the maze to that unanimous Church decision that resolves every issue and brings peace to the Church and to our world.  The reality of our world is such that such resolution will probably not take place until Christ returns.  Still, we Christians have an obligation to Christ to work at this and make the situation better, until He does come.  The problem is that we do not commonly see the Holy Ghost among us today: on Pentecost, 33 AD that was a conspicuous and undeniable public event.

The Orthodox Claim

Every year, at the Pascal Vigil in Jerusalem, the Orthodox claim that, the officiating priest’s candles are lighted by a miraculous act of God.  This is a celebration of the light of the world, especially in the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Church.  Every Pascal Vigil, and every candlelight service, Orthodox or heterodox, memorializes the coming of this light.  The light then spreads from the officiating priest’s candles, six of them (I believe) to the rest of the whole congregation present.

The problem is that this light does not spread to all the rest of the world, except as a memorial.  I have no reason whatsoever, other than the ordinarily lack of faith that besets us all, to doubt this Orthodox claim, it may very well be true, and I would be overjoyed to prove that it is true.  However, I have no way of substantiating this claim.  No matter how much I wish this claim to be true, I cannot find a way to resolve the issue.  Nor can I find a way to spread this flame to all Christians everywhere around the world.  The presence of the Holy Spirit must be universal, and today, that presence is evidently invisible.

The Pentecostal Claim

Pentecostals, by and large, together with some other groups claim that they retain the gift of ecstatic utterance (speaking in tongues).  There are several problems with this claim, but I cannot say that it is untrue either.  It does bother me that there is much evidence that this practice often seems to be conducted without the controls required by Paul.  What bothers me even more, is the fact that there is no claim for the presence of that Pentecostal Holy Light so visibly obvious on Pentecost, 33 AD.  If this is the manifest gift of the Holy Ghost, why isn’t the Light of His Glory attendant, and why doesn’t it spread to all.  To give everyone the benefit of the doubt, this appears to be a Bath Kol.[1]  I cannot resolve this issue either.

The Protestant Claim

The general Protestant claim is that the Holy Ghost is invisibly given to all Christians.  Most Protestants also believe that the Canon is closed.  Furthermore, there seems to be a suspicion that except for serious exposition of Scripture and careful investigation of the Created Universe, that Bath Kol are mostly impossibilities, the delusions of overactive imaginations.  It would be nice to say that the Canon is closed and the only possible Bath Kol are rational investigations of Scripture and Creation.  This cannot be substantiated either, nor can I resolve the issue.

Many Protestants resolve this tangle by asserting the Spiritual unity of the Church.  I cannot make this wash either.  I am my brother’s keeper.  I am responsible for the physical welfare of other Christians.  As a Christian, together with the whole Church on earth, I am responsible for the physical welfare of non-Christians as well.  I cannot escape this reality.  When I say, “Peace be with you,” to the folks in the next pew, I am vowing the vow of all believer-priests to put away every debt and trespass that I may have with anyone around the world.  When I, “take the cup of salvation,” I’m taking that cup with all of heaven, as well as with every Orthodox, Protestant, and Roman Catholic brother and sister around the world.  When I go forth into society, it is to treat those Orthodox, Protestant, and Roman Catholic brothers and sisters as what they are: namely, my family.

The Roman Catholic Claim

The Roman Catholic Church claims that such authority stems from the Apostolic seat of Peter and Paul, is continued in the Papacy today, and works its way out in the Magisterium of the Church, even though the Holy Ghost is not visible.  I wish I could prove that this were true, it would solve a lot of problems, and I would become a Roman Catholic today.  Here again, I am frustrated by things that I don’t know how to substantiate, and try as I might or wish as I may, I can’t get there from here.  It would help a lot if every Papal Pascal sermon were attended by the evident heavenly light.  I still cannot resolve the issue.

The Reality of Bath Kol

Unfortunately, Bath Kol are an undeniable reality.  While Moses talked with the Glory in the desert, seventy others of the leaders of Israel experienced the presence of the Holy Ghost at the same time.  While Saul was sinning, he fell among the prophets who were not substantiated, and prophesied.  While the Tabernacle prophets recorded the authenticated revelation of God in Scripture, a boy named David was singing songs to God while tending his sheep.  David’s private songs would not be authenticated until later.  When we are overcome by a hymn or a prayer, we are experiencing the mysterious hand of God upon us.  All Christians have this experience.  It is undeniable.  They burst into tears for no rational reason at all.  Their work explodes into marvelous flowers of creativity.  By what right do we conclude that these things are sourced in mere man?  Yet, we habitually fail to give God the credit for these works and we arrogantly claim them as our own.  These are Bath Kol.  They really come from God; they do not belong to us.  However, the wonder of these blessings is extremely private and personal, we have no way of substantiating them, and we will be thought insane if we claim to hear voices.


Unfortunately, this proves that Scripture is not closed, at least not in the ordinary sense that we speak of Canonization.  God has not stopped speaking.  God has stopped authenticating.  We are left without means of verification because we do not see the Glory of God.

However, the Glory of God will one day be seen again.  “Every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him.”  The lightening will flash across the sky from the east to the west, and around the world.  The Glory of His coming will light up the Universe, and then we will have the resolution to the problem.

Until then, I cannot confess, “We believe in One Holy Catholic[2] and Apostolic Church,” and not do something about it.  I hope that I have done so without offense.  Wherein I have offended, I beg forgiveness.

[1] Daughter of Voice, a private or secondary revelation that cannot be authenticated or substantiated and of benefit to the individual recipient(s) only.  Also, an interpretation or serious exposition of Scripture, which is a primary revelation.  It must also be conceded from this concerning observations of the Created Universe, a primary revelation in its own right, that careful investigations of the Universe are Bath Kol as well.
[2] Catholic means Universal, not Roman Catholic, not Orthodox Catholic, only that Heavenly Catholic Church of which all Christians on earth are also members.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Blood Pressure Hit 118/68 Today

My B/P hit 118/68 today.  My respiration rate hit 58.  How did I do it?  The answer is both simple and surprising.

Many of you know that I had cataract surgery, July 11, 2012, and that the results have been less than spectacular.  The day after the surgery, I felt great and my checkup went well.  However, within a week I developed Insidious Cystoid Macular Edema (Insidious CME: retina.cfm) or retina swelling in my right eye.  This left my vision severely clouded.  Right eye dominance tricked my brain into blurring out the left eye as well.  If I wanted to see anything, I had to close my right eye to turn off the bad signal.  Consequently my research and writing slowed to a crawl.

A few weeks later I was in Sam’s to pick up medications and buy groceries.  They were giving flu shots that day, but I wasn’t paying much attention when I got in line.  It turned out that I was in the line for the Beyer health-monitor-demo, so I accepted the free tests.  My B/P was 197, my BMI was less than perfect, and my glucose level was pushing the limit.  In my typical happy-go-lucky way, I laughed it off, thought nothing of it, and went to the next table to get my flu shot.

At my next eye exam, my right eye glaucoma pressure hit 48.  My eye surgeon gave me some meds on the spot that really knocked me for a loop, but she got my eye pressure within acceptable limits, and sent me home with prescriptions for more new meds.  One of these meds cost $137.77 for a 1.5 ml dropper bottle.  That’s more expensive than gold (not really).  Another cost nearly $200, although the dropper bottle was larger.

This was starting to get my attention.  Eventually, I figured out that maybe, possibly a B/P of 197 had something to do with it, ya think, duh.  So I started a program of research, diet, and exercise and got my B/P into the 175 zone.  By this time I had met with a retina specialist.  He observed that the special expensive eye drops were working, my vision was improving, and if improvement continued I would not need additional retina surgery.  He sent me back to my eye surgeon, and I went to work on my personal lifestyle issues.  I bought a B/P cuff at Sam’s to measure progress.

My diet was no meat, no dairy, no fats, low glycemic index foods only.  This was basically a strict vegan diet or a DASH diet with the top tiers of the pyramid cut completely off.  Before long I discovered that salt was a huge potential factor as well, so I started eliminating salt to below 1500 mg, a very low level.  Basically, I was eating fresh fruit, Cheerios, frozen vegetables, baked white or sweet potatoes, and coffee every day.  I started to exercise too; in fact, I reached nine-miles-a-day on my bicycle.  My B/P was inching down slowly, but remained at an aggravating 175-peak level.  All my research sources assured me that my B/P should be dropping like a rock, but it just wasn’t.  Also, I developed headaches, I’m talking about four and five day headaches that brought me to my knees and put me out of action.  I was also afraid to take too much aspirin because of the risk of hemorrhagic stroke, I’d already had one stroke and didn’t need another one.  I cut my bike rides back to two miles, on those rare days when I could ride at all.

What did I learn.  After over six weeks of strict dieting, I learned that it is entirely possible to suffer from dietary protein and fat deprivation.  As soon as I added half an avocado (no salt) to my daily diet the headaches came under control.  A few days later I started eating one egg a day, fried with one teaspoon of olive oil (no salt).  We’ll see if my cholesterol stays below 200.  Oh, and yes, the results of my blood tests came in, and I went over ever item in detail, looking up recommended limits on the internet, and identifying every problem area.  Within a week I ate some Steelhead trout and cake at a birthday party.  Still there was progress, but with only modest results.  I will never be able, practically, to reach a protein and fat balance on a vegan diet, it will never bring my B/P down, it tastes terrible to a meat-and-potatoes, salt-loving guy, and it’s boring.

Last night I stayed up to three thirty writing and posting on the internet.  My B/P this morning should have gone ballistic, orbital.  I got less than 7 hours of sleep, not nearly enough for a seventy-five-year-old who doesn’t see very well.  I got out of bed, answered the phone, stumbled around for a while, weighed myself, dressed, slid on the B/P cuff, and pressed go.  My B/P averaged 127/68 over three readings with a pulse rate of 60.  Here are the details behind the average 145/65/62, 118/68/58, 118/71/59.

What happened between the first and second readings?  It’s really a simple application of mechanical engineering principles.  Brain and tissue cells need oxygen, they demand minimum levels from the body’s blood-oxygen-respiration system.  The available oxygen depends on the lung-oxygen transfer efficiency.  If that efficiency is at 50% of normal, the blood flow rate has to be twice as fast as it would at a normal lung-oxygen transfer efficiency of 100%.  To get double the flow rate the heart has to kick the pumping pressure up big time.  It’s simple mechanical engineering.

What did I do?  Between the first and second readings, I started taking really deep breaths: slow, steady deep breaths, the kind that make your ribs hurt and your diaphragm threaten to explode .  My B/P dropped over 20 points in seconds, just like a rock.

If you want or need to get your B/P down, my experience is that the first thing you need to do is sit up straight, and teach yourself the habit of correct deep breathing.  You can do this by forcing yourself to take several deep breaths every hour until the practice becomes automatic.  The deep breathing gets oxygen to parts of the lungs that no longer remember what oxygen is; it shakes out the lung capillaries and starts the blood flowing where it hasn’t flowed in years.  As a result, lung-oxygen transfer efficiency jumps way up immediately and the B/P hits the basement right now, seemingly instantly.

I’m not saying that the other stuff didn’t do any good, but I didn’t realize big benefits until I took those deep breaths.

How to get your B/P under control?

·        First, stand up and sit up straight.  Learn to deep breathe correctly.  Slouching over a computer all day long is destroying your lung efficiency and killing you.  I didn’t buy an expensive gadget to learn to breathe correctly again.

·        Next, you can have a good exercise program, and realize all the benefits from that hard work, which otherwise might not be so evident.  The exercise should improve circulation, as well as artery and vein flexibility, along with muscle strength, bone density, general wellbeing, ability to sleep, and a bunch of other things.  However, it won’t necessarily make your lungs more efficient, not without deep breathing.

·        Finally, you can go to work on getting your blood test into line.  Zero meat, dairy, and fat probably won’t work very well for you either.  However, you should now be able to reach comfortable protein and fat levels by working with your doctor and watching your blood tests closely.  This pretty much boils down to a recommendation for the sensible DASH diet.

There is not a single word here about using medications to control B/P.  My bet is that this will fix or prevent Type 2 Diabetes as well.  Ten to one says your cholesterol drops below 200.  I hope my eye gets much better now that my body can support the healing process.  Maybe I can get back to writing more regularly too....  after I take a nap.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Veteran's Day

On the day after Veterans Day, 2012, I would like to pay tribute to all veterans everywhere by remembering the Forty Faithful Soldiers of Sebaste, who accepted the cruel torture and punishment of freezing to death, but who also refused to deny their King.  Many legends have grown from this historic event (ca 320 AD), but the underlying historic truth remains.  Forty Soldiers froze to death at Sebaste, because they refused to deny their King.