Thursday, December 25, 2014

Mark’s Christmas

Mark’s Christmas

Mark’s account of the events we frequently associate with Christmas and the incarnation is written as a testimony for and to Romans.  But with what do Romans concern themselves other than administration, law, and taxes.  Concerning Christmas, Mark is absolutely silent.  What most marks us is the fact that in keeping with the Roman world view, Mark goes far beyond being laconic.  Still, there is wisdom in silence: the silence of Christmas.

[1] If you have been blessed or helped by any of these meditations, please repost, share, or use any of them as you wish.  No rights are reserved.  They are designed and intended for your free participation.  They were freely received, and are freely given.  No other permission is required for their use.

Matthew’s Christmas

Matthew’s Christmas

Matthew’s account of the events we frequently associate with Christmas and the incarnation is written as a testimony for and to Jews, and other surviving Israelites.  He recounts a partial genealogy of Jesus to prove that He is the lawful King of Israel.  Jesus is the direct descendent of Abraham, the father of all who believe, the head of nation Israel, before Isaac and Jacob (Israel).  Jesus is the direct descendent of David, the father of all the legitimate kings of Israel/Judah.  Jesus is the rightful heir of both Abraham and David, returning from the disgrace of Babylon.  Jesus is the miraculously conceived and virgin[1] born fulfillment of Isaiah 7:14.  His name is Immanuel because He is God with us; He is the bodily visible return of the Shəkinah: Yet, the Glory of His appearing is slightly veiled, especially from unbelievers.  He is also named Jesus, a variation of the name of Joshua, because He is the New Joshua, the Savior who will lead His people into the eternal Promised Land, the heavenly Jerusalem, the heavenly Zion, the City of God.

Matthew skips all the details of taxation, arduous journey, birth in a stable in poverty, and leaps directly to roughly one or two years later.  Joseph has now located his family in a house, and God has marked the place with the Shəkinah Star shining overhead.  Isn’t it amazing that Persian nobles should see the Star; yet, the Star was hid from the priests, who were unbelievers?  So Jesus was known to be in Bethlehem from the words of Micah.[2]  They journeyed to Egypt to fulfill Hosea 11:1 and reveal that Jesus is the New Moses, greater even than Moses.  And so wicked Herod slaughtered the innocent children of Bethlehem, but even Herod’s intended evil was turned to good by God: for the children were surely unharmed in heaven, and the relationship to Rachael’s suffering and death in childbirth was made eternally firm; so that the words of Jeremiah, weeping over the destruction of Jerusalem for its idolatries, would not fall to the ground.[3]

All of this so that blind and stiff necked Israel/Judah might hear the Gospel: so that a few might listen and believe.

[1] The MT is incorrect and hides the true weight of Isaiah’s words, which are correctly recorded in the Septuagint.
[2] Micah 5:2
[3] Jeremiah 31:1-17, especially verse 15
[4] If you have been blessed or helped by any of these meditations, please repost, share, or use any of them as you wish.  No rights are reserved.  They are designed and intended for your free participation.  They were freely received, and are freely given.  No other permission is required for their use.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014



Many readers will find the word theosis confusing, and perhaps even be put off by it.  Many will be far more comfortable with the terms sanctification (the process) and glorification (the goal or result).  The tragedy of such different uses of terms is that we may often talk past each other, and fail of hearty agreement because of misunderstandings about words.  We are encouraged to discover that The Church (at least on earth) has always struggled to find adequate words to describe heavenly things, and this is no less true of our beloved father, Athanasius[1].

In spite of the difficulties and technical nature of these three essays, we would urge readers to persevere at this reading.  In doing so, they will discover an undeniable and fundamental foundation for universal agreement: for Athanasius loves the Bible, the same Bible that you love.  Moreover, theologians of every name and stripe, from every tradition around the world, embrace in their theology the ideas of Athanasius common to almost all of us.  There are exceptions, of course, but most of these can be attributed to an insufficient grasp of Church history.  As these essays repeatedly point out, this is an “evangelical message”.

This is not to hide the fact that there are real differences, significant ones.  Yet only by distinguishing the details of these differences and separating them from the common ground can we resolve the problem of the disunity of the churches.  There is little fruit to be gained from saying that theosis and glorification are different.  We must disclose accurately how they are the same, as well as precisely how they are different.  Then, and only then, can we bring to the table that which must be resolved for genuine spiritual unity to take place.

We are delighted to find that Athanasius does not use the term theosis, but prefers the Greek terms theopoieo (god constructing, creating, forming, making, or preparing from theos + poieo) and huiothesia[2] (son + placing as, adoption from huios + tithemi).  Evidently, Athanasius also had a highly developed and firm faith in substitutionary atonement, which some circles find popular to deny.  Additionally, Athanasius builds his understanding of theopoieo on substitutionary atonement, which in turn finds its roots in incarnation.  We should not read into this some false divergence with later theology, but rather that the terms have not yet been standardized.  When some sort of standardization comes, it will still differ by regions: hence the origin of confusion.[3]

It is in the distinction between eternal sonship (that sonship which finds its final expression in the incarnation) and sonship by adoption where we first discover modern conflict.  In the second essay we find a clear collision with Calvinism in the sentence, “Since they were not sons by nature, when they altered, the Spirit was taken away and they were disinherited; and again at their repentance that God who thus at the beginning gave them grace, will receive them, and give light, and call them sons again” (Contra Arianos I, 11:33).  Yet only a minute portion of this world’s believers adhere to all of the basic tenets of Calvinism.[4]

The third essay obliquely touches upon the problem of the filioque clause which divides us.  I for one, have long wished to delete the filioque clause in the interests of brotherly love and peace.  I cannot support the filioque clause from Scripture, it appears to originate in a simple copyist’s error, and it is now made optional in many sectors.  If it is optional, I may freely delete it, and for my own purposes, I do delete it.  It does nothing but foment disagreement and dissension.[5]

The three essays do not address Hesychasm[6], and its related issues directly, issues which were unknown to Athanasius.  Those who have never lived in areas where this debate was once important may be completely ignorant of it.  Even so, Christians around the world so frequently seek the peace of Christ in the solitude of prayer, and so universally use the “Jesus Prayer”[7] even where it is unknown by that title; even so, we have difficulty seeing a real difference here.  How can anyone oppose the desire for solitude in prayer?  How can anyone despise the desperation voiced in the prayer, “Lord, Have mercy.”  Those who wish to create differences will always find a means for doing so.

For me, I cannot see any real substantial difference between theosis and sanctification leading to glorification.  So, by all means help us to ferret out and resolve all real substantial differences among us.  Peace.

[2] Romans 8:15, 23; 9:4; Galatians 4:5; Ephesians 1:5
[8] If you have been blessed or helped by any of these meditations, please repost, share, or use any of them as you wish.  No rights are reserved.  They are designed and intended for your free participation.  They were freely received, and are freely given.  No other permission is required for their use.

Thursday, December 18, 2014



This morning I dreamed that all China had come to Christ.  They invited me to visit, to share their joy, to help with their baptisms of all their men, women, and children.  As China organized herself as a Christian state, I cried out to God, “Will India come too?”  Yet, I did not dream of India… not this morning.


Acts 2:16-21 (KJV paraphrase)

This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:

“It shall come to pass in the last days,” God says, “I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh.  Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.  Your young men shall see visions.  Your old men shall dream dreams.  In those days, I will pour out My Spirit on all My menservants and on all My maidservants; and they shall prophesy.  I will shew miracles in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath: blood, fire, and pillars of smoke.[1]  The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and illustrious day of the Lord comes.  Thus, it shall come to pass, that whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”


Joel 2:1-32 (KJV paraphrase)

Blow the trumpet in Zion.  Sound the alarm throughout My holy mountain.  Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the Day of the Lord comes, it is near at hand.  It is a day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness: as when the dawn spreads across the mountains.

A great and strong people, there has never been anything like them, nor shall there be any more after them, even for many aeons of aeons.  Fire devours before them; behind them, flame burns.  The land is like the Garden of Eden before them; behind them, it is a desolate wilderness.  Yes, nothing shall escape them.  Their appearance is like horses with riders: so they shall run with the clamor of chariots, over the mountain tops, they shall leap; with the roar of flaming fire that devours both grass and forest.  They are a strong people set in battle array.

The people they face shall be in great pain.  Every face shall become blackened [with pain, with the smoke of burning].

They shall run as mighty men.  They shall climb walls as men of war.  Every one of them shall march his route, and shall not break rank.  Nor shall anyone retreat.  Every one of them shall walk his route.  When they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded.  They shall run throughout the city.  They shall overrun the city walls.  They shall climb on the houses.  They shall enter the windows like thieves.

The earth shall quake before them.  The heavens shall tremble.  The sun and the moon shall become dark.  The stars shall cloak their shining.

The Lord shall utter His voice before His army.  His legion is very large.  He is strong, who executes His word: for the Day of the Lord is great and very terrible.  Who can abide it?

Therefore, the Lord says,

“Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.  Rend your heart, and not your garments.”

Turn to the Lord your God: for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great goodness.[2]  He often relents from punishment.  Who knows if He will turn to relent, leaving a blessing behind Him, a meat offering, and a drink offering to the Lord your God?[3]

Blow the trumpet in Zion.  Sanctify a fast.  Call a solemn assembly.  Gather the people.  Sanctify the congregation.  Assemble the elders.  Gather the children, even the nursing babies.  Let the bridegroom leave his bedroom, and the bride her boudoir.  Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, “Spare Your people, O Lord, and do not give Your heritage to reproach,”[4] lest unbelievers should rule over them.  Why should they say throughout the populace, “Where is their God?”

Then the Lord will be jealous for His land, and pity His people.  Yes, the Lord will answer and say to His people, “Behold, I will send you corn, wine, and oil, and you shall be satisfied: and I will not make you a reproach among unbelievers any longer.  I will move the northern army far away from you.  I will drive them into a barren and desolate land, with the eastern sea at their front, and the great sea at their back.  Their stench shall come up, their rotten taste shall come up, because they have done terrible things.”[5]

Fear not, O land, be glad and rejoice: for the Lord will do great things.  Be not afraid, you beasts of the field: for the pastures of the wilderness will fill with spring water, the trees will bear fruit, the fig trees and vines will yield strength.  Be glad, you children of Zion; rejoice in the Lord your God: for He has given you the gentle spring rain; He will cause the rain to come down upon you, both the vernal rain, and the autumnal rain before the first month [of harvest].  The threshing floors shall be full of wheat, and the storage vats shall overflow with wine and oil.  I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten, the cankerworm[6], the caterpillar, and the palmerworm[7], My great army which I sent among you.[8]  You shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you: so My people shall never be ashamed.  You shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the Lord your God, there is no other God: My people shall never be ashamed.

And it shall come to pass later, that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh.  Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.  Your old men shall dream dreams.  Your young men shall see visions.  In those days, I will pour out My Spirit on all My menservants and on all My maidservants; and they shall prophesy.  I will shew miracles in the heavens, and signs in the earth: blood, fire, and pillars of smoke.[9]  The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and illustrious day of the Lord comes.  Thus, it shall come to pass, that whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance, as the Lord has said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call.

[1] This is the Shəkinah, the fiery appearance of Yahweh.
[2] Psalm 145:7
[3] Instead of consuming and devouring the offering, Yahweh leaves it behind as a feast for all the people.
[4] Psalm 28:9
[5] An alarmingly graphic and poetic description of the fate of the Satanic hoards.  Even though these hoards have fought against God with all their might, they did the will of God in spite of themselves: they frightened the willful and disobedient people of God into repentance and faith.  Now the sins of these hoards are falling back upon them.  As they perish in the wilderness, the stench and taste of their rotting corpses is so foul that it even offends the carrion that devour them.
[8] The Satanic hoards are likened to a plague of insects.  This will be an ironic metaphor when it finally reaches Rome: for in Roman idolatry and superstition, war was pictured in the auspices, as chickens falling on the victims to devour them.
[9] This is the Shəkinah, the fiery appearance of Yahweh.
[10] If you have been blessed or helped by any of these meditations, please repost, share, or use any of them as you wish.  No rights are reserved.  They are designed and intended for your free participation.  They were freely received, and are freely given.  No other permission is required for their use.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014




On the occasion of the Papal skepticism over Church union:

Pensées et Soliloquies

I am skeptical too.  Even so, I deny that it is impossible.  Daniel, chapter 2, decrees that it is not impossible and that it must not continue.[1]  The perplexing philosophical problem of The Gordian Knot is resolved with the stroke of the sword.  We are divided by centuries of theological accretions.  These must be put to the knife.  Are they really so very important that they are more important than listening to the voice of God? Protestants must not be excluded either.

The reason I am not welcome in your Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant churches is not that you are unfriendly and unwelcoming.  All of you are very friendly and welcoming to a fault.  The reason I am not welcome in your churches is these centuries of theological accretions, which either add to, or detract from, sound doctrine.  Worse yet, some have turned away to the hatred of God, and outright denial of His authority over all: these are no longer churches at all, and are in desperate need of repentance.

I do not speak for myself; I ponder John’s meaning in Revelation, “Behold, I stand at the door knocking.”[2]  I wonder! Is Jesus really welcome in our midst? Or has that terrible curse come upon us that we are, “neither hot nor cold,” but have become so lukewarm that we have forgotten how to open the door.[3]  Now is the day to rekindle the fire in the belly, and make ice for the lips.  Fire and ice!  That is the order of the day.

Yes, with men, that has always been impossible.  Then again, we have never been dependent on mere men, have we?  It is time for a sword; a sharp, swift two-edged sword[4] of fire and ice.  Cut the knot and find again the ends of the rope that connect to the “anchor of the soul.”[5]  “Jesus Christ is the same, today, yesterday, and forever.”[6]  He has not changed, we have.  It’s called sin.

Perhaps, in the final analysis, Daniel’s figure of the stone is the better image: better than the sword.  “The stone which the builders rejected,”[7] must not be applied to us.

Μὴ γένοιτο!”[8]

[1] Daniel 2:34-35, 44-45
[2] Revelation 3:20
[3] Revelation 3:16
[4] Hebrews 4:12; Revelation 1:16
[5] Hebrews 6:19
[6] Hebrews 13:8
[7] Psalm 118:22; Acts 4:11
[8] Chiefly Paul, repeatedly in Romans, 3:4, 6, 31; 6:2, 15; 7:7, 13; 9:14; 11:1, 11.  But also Luke 20:16, 1 Corinthians 6:15; and Galatians 2:17; 3:21; 6:14.
[9] If you have been blessed or helped by any of these meditations, please repost, share, or use any of them as you wish.  No rights are reserved.  They are designed and intended for your free participation.  They were freely received, and are freely given.  No other permission is required for their use.

Monday, November 17, 2014

60 Minutes

60 Minutes

Do any among you really wish to put God on trial, call witnesses against Him, or argue matters of fact and Truth with Him?  The outcome is inevitable.  It is found beginning with Job 40:1-5.  You are asking to be rebuked.

Do any among you really wish to contend with Christ?  He is the only friend you will have in the Court of Last Resort.  Do you want your only Advocate to turn away from you, because you insist that He, Who is Truth, is ignorant of reality?  The outcome is inescapable.  It is found in Ephesians 1:22; Hebrews 2:5-9; and Psalm 8:4-6.  You are asking to be trampled underfoot.

Do any among you really wish to despise the leadership and power of the Holy Ghost?  It is He, Who is your baptism; the very baptism which Christ gives with fire.  You can only hope to call down a different, unkindly, and unmerciful fire on your own head.  Revelation 21:6-8.  You are playing with Holy Fire.

Will any among you continue to contradict the Word of God; neither reading, nor knowing exactly what that Word says?  Yes, some of you are even chanting “Sola Scriptura” while your lives are lived in open defiance of God and His Word.  You can only prove yourself wrong.

Yet, here we are.  And you, 60 Minutes, you dare to put on trial a humble prince and servant of The Church, The Church defined in Hebrews 12.  Oh yes, the man you attacked is far more than an officer in the Church of Rome; the man you attacked is the child of the Living God in Heaven.  Why were you not afraid to speak to him in such a manner?  You, 60 Minutes, deserve to be crushed out of existence.  Perhaps you should be more grateful that God is a God of mercy, and you are still alive.  Search the Scripture: not one of your wicked contentions can be supported.  Shame on you.

[1] If you have been blessed or helped by any of these meditations, please repost, share, or use any of them as you wish.  No rights are reserved.  They are designed and intended for your free participation.  They were freely received, and are freely given.  No other permission is required for their use.

Monday, October 27, 2014



Did anybody else catch this exercise in human depravity?  Are you equally disturbed by it?  Sorry, the rebroadcast is filled with one annoying AARP ad after another; but I lived through them, so you can also survive, if you have a lot of patience.  Let's take this apart.

Step One.  Several embryos are harvested, artificially inseminated, and grown in a "test tube".  In my world and life view, all of these are already living human beings, with developing human bodies and human spirits.  In other words they are complete souls, already marked with the image of God.  They belong to God, not to us.

Step Two.  At a very early stage a single cell is extracted from each of these living human beings.  Wait a minute, how many cells are involved?  We started with one --- then two, four, eight, etc.  At what point does this extraction cease to be critical?  Certainly, one cell extracted from one cell will kill the baby.  We have to believe that one cell extracted from two cells will seriously affect the developing baby.  A single cell biopsied from me is of no apparent consequence.  When and how do we know that this procedure does not cause or introduce flaws all of its own?

Step three.  The developing babies are statistically evaluated from the samples taken.  One baby is selected for implantation into the mother's womb.  Even if all the others are put into a state of perfectly preserved suspended animation of some sort or other, they are virtually being murdered.  This is not about stopping mother nature from taking her course (note the pseudo-scientific language used to sell the program).  This is about killing a child, who belongs only to God.

Step four.  The pseudo-parents/actors wrestle with the ethical/moral issues involved and emotionally draw the "correct" solution.  This is not news reporting.  This is a hard sell, disguised as science and pseudo-goodness.  All these conclusions are drawn by folks who have the ethical/moral sensitivities of a block of concrete: because it is “scientific” it is necessarily good.

The line has already been crossed.  The doctor has conspired, using his creative technology to invade living human beings; possibly damaging them with his own procedure; evaluated these babies with complicated computerized statistical routines; and on his/her own independent unilateral volition, selected one, and put the rest into an undefinable limbo.  Make no mistake, this is playing God.  This exactly what it means to play God.  This is a conspiracy to commit murder, plain and simple.

The parents have also crossed the line.  They have conspired with the doctor to murder their own children in their mad quest for the perfect child.  They agree to select one for life and neglect the rest.

Ostensibly, this is justifiable, based on the obvious fact that all of us carry genetic defects.  For the good of humanity, the inferior people are screened out, so that only an acceptable baby develops.  It’s a good thing, right?  We all ought to do it, right?  Wait a minute!

Objection One.  We have not protected babies from undeserved and unfair genetic defects and diseases.  Instead, we have contrived to murder them because of these same defects and diseases.  Moreover, the other babies not suffering with these defects and diseases are also murdered.  This is no different from the barbaric ancient practice where babies were placed at the father’s feet.  If the father picked the baby up, he/she lived.  If the father refused to recognize the baby, he/she was left to die.  Fortunately, concerned Christians stepped in to rescue many of these unwanted babies and raise them as their own.  The only difference is the age of the baby.

Objection Two.  We have not protected society from the painful care of undeserved and unfair genetic defects and diseases.  Instead, we risk the introduction of new problems, problems that may not surface for decades, or centuries.  Millennia from now, a new human defect or disease may very well surface that finds its cause here, in this procedure.  Moreover, the very things that make us precious as individuals, the characteristics that make us loveable and loved, have now been screened out, to the detriment of society.  What makes us individually precious?  Is it not the very way that pathos plays out?  If my ancestors died in painful suffering with cancer, isn’t this the very fact that indelibly implants and endears them in my memory?  This is the very thing we seek to erase: that which makes life worth living.

Objection Three.  This house of cards is constructed around a so-called, trumped-up, statistical probability: supposedly a form of breast cancer in the model.  This supposed statistical probability is then generalized into the fact that everybody has genetic defects.  Does anyone else see this logical flaw?  It is the flaw of excessive generalization.  In its reductio ad absurdum it becomes the genetic design of all human characteristics: the reduction of the human race to robotically identical non entities, devoid of individuality and lovability.  Returning to the original model: Will this unfortunate woman be less loved because she has a tragic breast cancer?  Or will she be loved all the more because of our memory of her suffering?  Would we like to see this disease eliminated?  Yes!  Find another way.

Objection Four.  Does this unfortunate young woman have the right to reject the means that God has chosen for calling her home to Himself?  She has not escaped death.  Nor have her children escaped death.  She, running away from cancer, ran in front of a speeding vehicle.  He, returning unscathed from combat, was killed by a stray bullet, fired by accident blocks away.  We cannot cheat death.  In attempting to postpone the inevitable, at what point are we found to be waging war with God?  Is life so dear that we will ignore every other value in order to cling to it?

Objection Five.  Who decides what is imperfect and inferior; or what is neither imperfect nor inferior?  Is it the doctor?  Is it the parent?  Or is it God?  If we assume that human copulation is nothing more than random chance, breeding, we will draw the wrong conclusion.  Human copulation involves more than a man and a woman.  Human copulation is a sacred act involving a man, a woman, and God Himself.

Objection Six.  It won’t work.  The doctor has cleverly disguised his discussion around the supposed existence of a disease cause by a single genetic marker, a single recessive defect.  Statistically this means that both parents must have the defect.  Bb mating with another Bb will statistically produce one BB (defect free individual), two Bb (carriers), and one bb (with the disease), which he calls 50/50.  His math is a little off: its actually 75/25.  If B and B mate, there can be no defect.  If B and b mate there can still be no defect because of the recessive trait.  If b and b mate, the defect will necessarily take place.  Still not 50/50 unless you predetermine and load the B to b population ratio.  Only when Bb mates with bb are the results, two Bb (carriers) and two bb (defects): 50/50.  All of this clouds over the fact that very few, if any diseases depend on a single genetic marker, or if markers merely render the individual susceptible to a disease, while the actual cause lies elsewhere.  In reality the genetic marker may merely indicate a susceptibility, not a necessity.  Experimentation is usually confounded by overlapping and inseparable competing causes.  Moreover, in reality, most, if not all diseases have several markers: now the math becomes unbelievably complex.  With as few as eight markers the odds could be as low as one in 65,536: indicating a susceptibility, not a certainty.  This is pseudo-science.  Genetics is still too young and too difficult to draw these conclusions with certainty.

Objection Seven.  Public editorials and news render no service to mankind when their opinions are boldly presented as sales campaigns and heart rending dramatizations.  None of these things is necessarily the Truth.  God holds the Truth, men do not.  It is not only the doctor, and the parents, who are playing God in this scenario.  The editorial and news teams have done a lot of God playing as well.  They pose themselves as disinterested parties, but they are far from it; they are advertisers promoting murder.

Not only are we doomed to fail in this process.  We, having conspired, are now saddled with the guilt of being accessories to the murder of many more babies.  In the “digital” test the sample size was one hundred.  I’m here to tell you that if the necessary digital sample size was one hundred, then the real life sample size would be on the same order.  That implies roughly ninety-nine babies murdered with every test.  This is a decision that only God has the right to make.