Saturday, April 27, 2013

Aggression Against the Church

Aggression Against the Church

Part of the following discussion gives mention to the issue of “sacred space.”  Since many pastors reject the idea of “sacred space,” the question is left: What exactly are we trying to defend?  My point is to support the article; the aggression has come so far, that we no longer have common knowledge definitions.  Hence, we not only need to reclaim the space and the doctrine; we also need to rebuild the definitions.  I strongly believe in the use of “sacred space,” and don’t believe that I need to become either Roman Catholic or Orthodox to do so.  I believe that all Christians should believe in “sacred space.”  Careful study of Hebrews as a rule of worship and Revelation as an order of worship will open up new vistas for believers along these lines.


On the other hand, what we often defend as rudiments of orthodoxy, are in reality, indications of rigor mortis: the phenomenon of the frozen chosen.  All churches have traditions, and for the most part these are healthy and good.  Without them, we would have no hymns, no order of worship, no organization.  However, in a few cases, such traditions have become confused with core doctrine.  Such traditions, often the distinctives of my denomination, become so important to me that I will not release them until my cold, dead fingers are pried away from them.  Consequently, a sort of denominational paranoia sets in, and we begin to believe that we are the church exclusive, and forget that there is no perfect church on earth.  This happened to the Pharisees in 33 AD, and it is happening to us today.


Both of these phenomena show that all of us need to go back to our Bibles and reread the Scripture with fresh eyes.  We must make new commitment to search out exactly what the Word says, and not what we want Him to say.  Such commitment risks raw exposure.  Honesty in this pursuit will be painful.  Change will be required.  Pet oxen will be gored.  Friends will take offense and become enemies or frienemies.  Still, we don’t have any choice.  There is no Love without Truth.  There is no Truth without Love.  As little capacity as we humans have for either Love or Truth; these are names for Jesus Christ and we must follow Him or perish.  Yes, this means that much of this modernization, as well as much of this traditionalization must be put to flames.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hobby Lobby Revisited

Hobby Lobby Revisited

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dear ______,

We Don’t Understand Why God Abandoned Us.

We can and should pray for miracles.  We will win this fight, but not on earth.  All the evidence points to the idea that we are well on our way down the drain.  God has been patient with us since 1776 and before, but His patience is growing thin.  On September 11, 1993, God could have sent His holy angels, our guardians, to stop the World Trade Center bombing.  He didn’t.  Why not?  We are so very concerned with the evil perpetrators of such an outrage.  We should be concerned with the fact that the problem is our own sin.  God withdrew His mighty hand of protection from us.

Painful Lessons from Church History.

Shortly after my birth on September 11, 1937, I was baptized in the Swedish Lutheran Church in America (better known as the Augustana Synod).  By that time, the Swedish Lutheran Church had already been seriously undermined from within, and real faith in God totally lost to some, who only attended Church out of a dull sense of duty.  This growing cancer, this rottenness, this lack of faith in God, had already grown for centuries (certainly before 1855).  If we take Christ seriously, as we must, we see that this rottenness was always with us: for Christ teaches that Satan would sow tares in the field of God’s wheat.  By 1855, most of European Christianity had lost confidence that anything in the Bible was true.  Pseudo-science had seemingly disproved miracles, the virgin birth, and pretty much anything else of importance.

Existentialism is on the Wrong Track.

It is difficult to understand if the Dane, Søren Kierkegaard was a villain or a hero in such a mess.  Kierkegaard (d. November 11, 1855) is the father of Existentialism.  Existentialism, greatly over-generalized, is the idea that even though something is not true, or it can’t be prove true, that it should be believed anyway.  Existentialism, greatly over-generalized, is that now famous “Faith is a leap in the dark.”  It is hard to tell in this mess if Kierkegaard is adding foment to this unbelief in God, or if he is a concerned pastor throwing a life preserver to his dying flock with his last ounce of strength.  Nevertheless, such pseudo-science, Existentialism, and Kierkegaard are all wrong.

Science is Inadequate.

We, as engineers and scientists, know that this sort of pseudo-science does nothing to disprove the miracles of the Bible.  Having given our lives to the study of science, we have learned the painful lesson that science just isn’t that powerful; man just isn’t that smart.  This sounds a whole lot like something Paul said around 48-50 AD (1 Corinthians 1:26).  Evidently, Paul had a sense of humor.  Today, he would write, “The Gospel for Dummies,” and bind it into a black and yellow paperback.  So, we conclude that we, as honest engineers and scientists, must put a stop to the destruction of the evidence.  Yes, the Bible must be opened again, and we must learn from the beginning the most fundamental rudiments of reality.  Duh, reality check.

Christianity Stands on Objective Truth.

Nevertheless, Christianity stands on objective truth, and we must struggle to recapture and relearn that objective truth.  Christian faith is not a leap in the dark; it is rather, a walk in the light.  It is not difficult to prove objectively that God exists.  Measured statistically, the odds of doubt are on the order of 1 in billions or trillions: statistically too small to measure, and for all purposes, zero.  The problem is not that the existence of God is not provable; the problem is that most observers want to suppress or throw out the evidence.  Such blindness can only bring about death.  Consequently, the response most often voiced is, “I don’t want to hear it.”  At which point we have to walk away, we can’t breathe life into a rock: only God can do that.

Israel-Judah Fell from Within, not from Without.

In 722 BC, Israel was conquered by the Assyrians.  In 586 BC, Judah was conquered by the Babylonians.  Neither of these nations was defeated because of enemies outside their boarders; both of them failed from within.  They rotted from the inside out because of their sin.  Finally, God got so disgusted that He abandoned them: that is why they failed.  In the entire period from 1446 to 586 BC, Israel-Judah was never a great and powerful nation, not as measured in terms of armies and weaponry.  They were a military mouse sandwiched between gigantic military lions.  If the survival of Israel-Judah was ever dependent on military might these lions would have crushed them with a single swipe of the paw.  Even Solomon could not muster the might to resist such crushing defeat.  However, God’s Glory lived in the middle of Israel-Judah; and as long as God’s Glory lived there, Israel-Judah was untouchable.  As soon as God’s Glory abandoned them, they were crushed.

The Widow for Rescue was Shut.

Then in 4 BC, God’s Glory returned.  He came to His own, and we did not receive Him (John 1:11).

America is Dying from Within, Too.

What I’m trying to say is simply this.  America is dying from the inside out because of a fundamental lack of faith in God.  Our churches are dying from the inside out because of a fundamental lack of faith in God.  Many of our churches are already so dead that they should no longer be called churches.  In 1776, America was a weak nation that prevailed because of great faith.  In 2013, America is a great nation that is writing her own epitaph because of zero faith.

Regaining Real Faith is the Solution.

It is not that there is a breed of Christian, who is “better than the average bear,” Holier than thou, more pious than most.  Christianity is not the religion of a collection of pious asses.  Christianity is the religion of the circumcised in heart, a very painful surgery.  Christianity is the religion of broken failures, who know full well that their only hope rests in the Blood of Jesus Christ and in His Resurrection from the dead.  The Lord Jesus Christ is coming to get us.  That is an objective hope, made confident by a many thousand-year history of God’s objective faithfulness among us.  Christians simply give their life, living in that very objective and certain reality.

The Disease is Spiritual, not Political.

The political problem cannot be fixed, until after the spiritual problem gets fixed.  After the spiritual problem gets fixed, the political problem will take care of itself.  If the spiritual problem is never fixed, America will be destroyed.

Yours in Christ,


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hobby Lobby: A Case in Point

Hobby Lobby: A Case in Point

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Problem is Anarchy.

The core of our anarchy is that we no longer believe in God, and we are rebelling against His authority with all our human frailty.  This can only lead to our defeat and destruction.

Yesterday I Ran Across These Questions.


Do you believe in the following:

·       God, The Triune God of the Bible[1]

·       Satan, the Devil, the fallen angel who opposes God

·       Angels and Demons

·       The Fall and Paradise Lost: both cosmic and personal?[2]

·       Good and Evil

·       Heaven and Hell[3]

·       Sin and Death: do I accept their consequences?[4]

·       The Day of Judgement

·       Death and Bodily Resurrection

·       Spiritual Warfare: an unseen war for your soul?[5]

Today, I believe that most Americans would answer, NO, to all or most of these questions.  Here is where the battle was lost.  The Scripture raises the question, “When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”[6]  Evidently the answer to that question is, not very much.

Unless we are sincerely able to answer, “Yes,” to all of the above questions, the following answers are irrelevant.  While one does not have to be a Christian to be an American; without a strong Christian basis, America cannot continue to exist.  But that is irrelevant, if we cannot affirm the questions above.

This Is Not About Abortion.

We note with all sobriety that this is not about abortion, this is about freedom of religion.  Does an individual or a company have the right to run all its affairs based on moral principles?  Based on moral principles, does an individual or a company have the right to exempt itself from Federal and State programs?

Is the Constitution Being Raped?

Is the Constitution of the United States being raped?

Our Federal Constitution, contrary to popular opinion, does not guarantee the separation of church and state, or the separation of Bible and state.  Our Federal Constitution, guarantees the separation of the ESTABLISHMENT of church and state.  In other words, We may not have any variety of religious morals, programs, or theologies, etc... thrust on us through the power of taxation, or police action.

When the Constitution was being written, that clearly meant untaxed and un-coerced freedom of choice between various brands of Christianity and several brands of Biblical cults, that were not truly Christianity.  For example, Deism was clearly included: but Deists wanted the freedom to quote the Bible in political and moral debate, as well as the right to pray openly in public.  In fact, Deists demanded such freedoms and did not see in them any impediment to freedom of religion.

The Constitution of the United States is no longer any guarantee of anything.  To most politicians, even to many Christians, it is an outmoded and irrelevant document.  Nobody cares.  Every military servant, from buck privates up, every Federal public servant vows to uphold the Constitution of the United States.  Today, that is a meaningless vow, so much hot air.  Why?  Because it is clear that the majority of the members of both political parties, in all three branches of government and elsewhere consider the Constitution of the United States to mean anything they want it to mean.  The common public servant can no longer simply read the Constitution of the United States literally and discover his or her duty.

The simple fact is that our Nation is already lost.  We have entered the Age of Anarchy.  The rule of law has been defeated.  The endless series of tragic travesties like those of the Murrah building, Columbine, World Trade Center, Sandy Hook, and Boston Marathon yesterday reveal how deeply into anarchy we have already sunk.  These things, as horrific as they are, are merely symptoms: they reflect for us what we as a nation have come to believe.  What is it that we as a nation have come to believe?  NOTHING.  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

What is The Case in Point?

However, please note that Snopes includes caveats.  I have never been a fan of the particular church mentioned, but now they have demonstrated their wickedness openly.  Nevertheless, we must not be naïve.  The opposing opinion held my many, so-called-churches, outnumbers us by many magnitudes.  This is a battle that Christianity is losing.  Even churches that have taken strong stands against abortion and Death Culture have many members in defection: such churches are being attacked from within and without.  Make no mistake, We are at war.  We can only hope and pray with the psalmist that the wicked people who have designed and set such treacherous traps and pitfalls would fall victim to their own inventions, and we might escape.  America is no longer a place where one can freely practice one’s religion.  God is our only refuge.  He always was our only refuge.

Yours in Christ


[1] Hebrews 11:6
[2] Genesis 3:1-24
[3] Matthew 25:41
[4] Ezekiel 18:20
[5] 2 Corinthians 10:4; Ephesians 6:10-20; 2 Timothy 2:4
“And he told a parable to them for this goal, men should always pray, and not faint.  He Said, “In a city there was a judge, who did not fear God, or regard man.  There was also a widow in that city: she came to him, saying, ‘Avenge me of my adversary.’  However, [the judge] refused for a while: yet after thinking it over he said to himself, ‘Though I do not fear God, nor regard man; Yet because this widow pesters me, I will avenge her, lest by her perpetual whining, she wear me out.’  And the Lord said, ‘Hear what the unjust judge says.’  And shall not God avenge his own elect, who cry day and night to him, since He bears patiently with them?  I tell you that He will avenge them speedily.  Nevertheless when the Son of man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”  (Luke 18:1-8 KJV — Paraphrased)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The River of Fire

The River of Fire

Here is the pivotal thesis of “The River of Fire” heresy: “Who can love a torturer?”  With this single question “The River of Fire” proclaims to us that others, all the heterodox, that disagree with “The River of Fire” worship a “torturer.”

Having created this false idea “ex nihilo” “The River of Fire” proceeds to redefine God after its own image .  However, with this slight-of-hand we should really understand that “The River of Fire” rejects any idea that God cannot be defined, or that He reveals Himself as He wishes to be known in the Bible.  No, this Self Revelation of God is rejected by “The River of Fire” and must be replaced with a new idea, an idea that exists only in the thinking of “The River of Fire.”

My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, this is the fundamental definition of idolatry: the idea that man can define God, and make Him into whatever man wants God to be, is idol worship.  The name of this particular form of idolatry is Humanism: the idea that man is the measure of all things, and therefore free to remake God in his own image.  No!  No!  No!  God is not made in the image of man.  Man is made in the image of God.

It is patently absurd, even blasphemous and slanderous, to characterize the God of the Bible as a torturer.  It is even worse to suggest that we may approach God on our own terms.  You may not like the God of the Bible.  That’s your problem.  Get over it.  You will not change God; but, He will change you.  Get used to it.

Who can love this God of the Bible?  I can and I do.  Will you?

“The River of Fire” is an heretical and schismatic document.