Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hobby Lobby: A Case in Point

Hobby Lobby: A Case in Point

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Problem is Anarchy.

The core of our anarchy is that we no longer believe in God, and we are rebelling against His authority with all our human frailty.  This can only lead to our defeat and destruction.

Yesterday I Ran Across These Questions.

(From: http://ancientfaith.com/specials/armatas_transforming_our_lives)

Do you believe in the following:

·       God, The Triune God of the Bible[1]

·       Satan, the Devil, the fallen angel who opposes God

·       Angels and Demons

·       The Fall and Paradise Lost: both cosmic and personal?[2]

·       Good and Evil

·       Heaven and Hell[3]

·       Sin and Death: do I accept their consequences?[4]

·       The Day of Judgement

·       Death and Bodily Resurrection

·       Spiritual Warfare: an unseen war for your soul?[5]

Today, I believe that most Americans would answer, NO, to all or most of these questions.  Here is where the battle was lost.  The Scripture raises the question, “When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”[6]  Evidently the answer to that question is, not very much.

Unless we are sincerely able to answer, “Yes,” to all of the above questions, the following answers are irrelevant.  While one does not have to be a Christian to be an American; without a strong Christian basis, America cannot continue to exist.  But that is irrelevant, if we cannot affirm the questions above.

This Is Not About Abortion.

We note with all sobriety that this is not about abortion, this is about freedom of religion.  Does an individual or a company have the right to run all its affairs based on moral principles?  Based on moral principles, does an individual or a company have the right to exempt itself from Federal and State programs?

Is the Constitution Being Raped?

Is the Constitution of the United States being raped?

Our Federal Constitution, contrary to popular opinion, does not guarantee the separation of church and state, or the separation of Bible and state.  Our Federal Constitution, guarantees the separation of the ESTABLISHMENT of church and state.  In other words, We may not have any variety of religious morals, programs, or theologies, etc... thrust on us through the power of taxation, or police action.

When the Constitution was being written, that clearly meant untaxed and un-coerced freedom of choice between various brands of Christianity and several brands of Biblical cults, that were not truly Christianity.  For example, Deism was clearly included: but Deists wanted the freedom to quote the Bible in political and moral debate, as well as the right to pray openly in public.  In fact, Deists demanded such freedoms and did not see in them any impediment to freedom of religion.

The Constitution of the United States is no longer any guarantee of anything.  To most politicians, even to many Christians, it is an outmoded and irrelevant document.  Nobody cares.  Every military servant, from buck privates up, every Federal public servant vows to uphold the Constitution of the United States.  Today, that is a meaningless vow, so much hot air.  Why?  Because it is clear that the majority of the members of both political parties, in all three branches of government and elsewhere consider the Constitution of the United States to mean anything they want it to mean.  The common public servant can no longer simply read the Constitution of the United States literally and discover his or her duty.

The simple fact is that our Nation is already lost.  We have entered the Age of Anarchy.  The rule of law has been defeated.  The endless series of tragic travesties like those of the Murrah building, Columbine, World Trade Center, Sandy Hook, and Boston Marathon yesterday reveal how deeply into anarchy we have already sunk.  These things, as horrific as they are, are merely symptoms: they reflect for us what we as a nation have come to believe.  What is it that we as a nation have come to believe?  NOTHING.  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

What is The Case in Point?

However, please note that Snopes includes caveats.  I have never been a fan of the particular church mentioned, but now they have demonstrated their wickedness openly.  Nevertheless, we must not be naïve.  The opposing opinion held my many, so-called-churches, outnumbers us by many magnitudes.  This is a battle that Christianity is losing.  Even churches that have taken strong stands against abortion and Death Culture have many members in defection: such churches are being attacked from within and without.  Make no mistake, We are at war.  We can only hope and pray with the psalmist that the wicked people who have designed and set such treacherous traps and pitfalls would fall victim to their own inventions, and we might escape.  America is no longer a place where one can freely practice one’s religion.  God is our only refuge.  He always was our only refuge.

Yours in Christ


[1] Hebrews 11:6
[2] Genesis 3:1-24
[3] Matthew 25:41
[4] Ezekiel 18:20
[5] 2 Corinthians 10:4; Ephesians 6:10-20; 2 Timothy 2:4
[6] http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+18%3A1-8&version=KJV
“And he told a parable to them for this goal, men should always pray, and not faint.  He Said, “In a city there was a judge, who did not fear God, or regard man.  There was also a widow in that city: she came to him, saying, ‘Avenge me of my adversary.’  However, [the judge] refused for a while: yet after thinking it over he said to himself, ‘Though I do not fear God, nor regard man; Yet because this widow pesters me, I will avenge her, lest by her perpetual whining, she wear me out.’  And the Lord said, ‘Hear what the unjust judge says.’  And shall not God avenge his own elect, who cry day and night to him, since He bears patiently with them?  I tell you that He will avenge them speedily.  Nevertheless when the Son of man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”  (Luke 18:1-8 KJV — Paraphrased)

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