Saturday, April 7, 2018

Polarization, Magna Carta


Magna Carta

In rethinking the Magna Carta, I’ve had to revise several opinions.  Ostensibly, the Magna Carta was a core freedom document stating principles behind the American Constitution: for example, the Second Amendment.

In truth, the Magna Carta was the resolution of a somewhat violent disagreement, a major polarization, between King John of England and several English barons.  John had attempted, unsuccessfully, to imitate the rule of Louis Ⅺ of France.  What was the exact nature of that polarization?  Was it, in fact, a contest between the wicked despot, John, and the causes of freedom, as some suppose?  No.  Neither John nor Louis Ⅺ was any such a supposed despot.  The so-called causes of freedom, were in fact the feudal liege lords.[i]  So the struggle was not over monarchy versus personal freedom; it was over who would control the money: king or feudal liege lords?  The king lost; evidently, so did the serfs, who were thereby kept in a double state of slavery: bound by their feudal liege lord, on the one hand; and by debt slavery, and poverty, on the other hand.  So, the Magna Carta had nothing to do with personal freedom; unless, you were very powerful and wealthy.  Ironically, the serfs were compelled to fight in wars that denied their own freedom.

Nevertheless, the Magna Carta can be clearly seen in the American Constitutional structure.  The polarization between strong central government, and States rights is the point at hand.  There always were individuals who preferred strong central government; some even wanted to make George Washington into the American king.  Washington himself, and several others, evidently preferred States rights.  Even so, the tension continued throughout early Constitutional America.  The polarization was finally broken by Abraham Lincoln; Lincoln insured the fact of national government, and effectively gutted any hope for Sates rights.  Some folks see that as a blessing; while others see it as a curse.  In either case, the American course after Lincoln was toward an increasingly stronger central national government.

As far as a political experiment is concerned, this must have resulted in the abolition of feudalism, mustn’t it?  Wherein the States are seen as a continuation of feudal societies, and central national government represents a king….  Well, the serfs were better off: for slavery was abolished… weren’t they?  Or was one broken polarization, simply replaced with a new, more powerful, intensely more wicked and devious polarization?  Was the feudal system gone for good?  Or, had strong central national government opened the door for a new feudalism?

The Civil War was funded by Chase’s machinations.[ii]  Previous wars were funded by scrip[iii]; all of which wars were paid in full with zero surviving debt.  Chase’s debt system follows the course of Civil War expenses; was never paid off; was quickly followed by other wars, with attendant increasing debts in debt-war cycles that persist to the present day.  We claim that these forces, war and debt, feed off of each other, so that one necessitates and perpetuates the other.

Such national debt was made legal in the Fourteenth Amendment, Section 4 (1868)[iv]; institutionalized in the FRB (1913)[v]; and perpetuated ever since.  Not long afterward the growing Industrial Revolution[vi] overtook the American workforce; soon farm jobs reached a minimum, factory jobs peaked.  Under the old slavery system, slaves and hands were usually still fed and clothed during a downturn economy.  Under the new employment system, surplus labor was simply fired or laid off.  Employment was simply a better, more efficient system for owners.  Yet, a large portion of the population were still independent landed owners… the small, simple family farmer or rancher.

The increasing use of petroleum from around 1890 onward, increasing steadily at around 7% a year, ensured a growth economy, with surplus money to spend as if there was no tomorrow; until tomorrow came in the Great Depression (circa 1930)[vii]: the problem was not with the supply side; but, with the demand side.  We solved the Great Depression by WWⅡ (1939-1945)[viii], and have been blowing and going ever since… well, almost.  There are several points that might be pursued here; but, the particular point we are after is feudalism, and the polarization it causes.

What emerged from this strange concoction was a set of increasingly powerful companies, that soon eclipsed all national governments in terms of wealth and power.  For a time, such a juggernaut was slowed by trust busting laws; these, however, were soon removed.  The Shadow Government of a usury system, was now joined by a new set of feudal liege lords, the so-called captains of industry.

Now we are surprised to discover the reemergence of serfdom in America, and it’s growing.  The modern serf is once again caught in a double state of slavery: debt and bosses; with the attendant increase in the service of wars, not of their own choosing.  The serf is once again compelled to fight wars that deny their own freedom.

We submit that Magna Carta was never about personal freedom; that Magna Carta was always about who controlled the money.  Whoever came out on top of that polarization, made no real difference in the freedom of the serfs; whether the serfs would be slaves of the nation or of the State: for the serfs would quickly be made the slaves of their new feudal liege lords.  Seemingly there is nothing anybody can do about it; cheap land is no longer available to the pioneer: it’s a dead-end street.

Incidentally, the slaves who were freed by Lincoln, were shunted off into ghettos, where nobody much cared whether they lived or died.  They could not have known that the flood of immigrants, were shunted off into other ghettos, where nobody much cared whether they lived or died.  To the slaves, it seemed as if the immigrants had a better go of things: so, new polarizations formed.  That the immigrants also suffered under the same oppression made little difference; the former slaves were in fact, treated like crap: but so were many of the immigrants.

Meanwhile, migrant workers came north every year, and their conditions made working former slaves, and immigrants look like kings and queens: the oppressions foisted on Hispanics and Indians of the southwest is truly horrific.  Orientals, and others, were also oppressed.  Their strength was exploited by polarization… divide and conquer works every time.

Magna Carta. it turns out, is only one of a long series of instruments of human oppression.  Maybe the teachers have the will and power to finally overthrow the Magna Carta and its attendant feudalism.  Maybe not….

[i] Still, we continue to idolize and worship the idea of nobility, that some men are better than others, as popularized by Downton Abbey.  What codswallop.








Friday, April 6, 2018

Polarization, Strikes



Teacher’s strikes continue at several hot spots around the nation.  Obviously the teachers are not satisfied with the solutions, or lack of solutions being offered by slimy slippery politicians.  I can’t say that I blame the teachers either.  Something, a wicked polarizing force in society, is wrong here….

That being said, what sector of society is tasked with providing the fundamental tools for life?  There is only one answer… teachers!  Who is responsible for inculcating basic moral standards in society?  Teachers!  Who teaches the underlying philosophy of a culture?  Teachers!  Who prepares future politicians and other leaders for equitable and just rule?  Teachers!

We would suggest that if teachers are dissatisfied with the solutions offered by politicians that: a. the teachers have failed in their responsibility to train just leaders; or b. the leaders have corrupted themselves and rebelled against their training.  In either case, the ones best positioned to solve the problem are teachers.

So, education is not only saddled with the problem of operating a business without a marketing, sales, and service plan; education is now faced with a major product failure: a product failure that blocks their chances of just wages.  Teachers may be the only ones who have the tools to fix it.

I have no bones with the teacher’s strikes.  On the other hand, I think that teacher’s time would be better spent if they abandoned the strike and went back to the drawing board to answer the question, “What went wrong here?”

To begin with, where are the basic errors in governmental philosophy, and how do we fix them?  To change such philosophies, teachers may be compelled to rebuild or revise their own philosophical systems.  Such a task being thoughtfully completed (who else teaches thinking beside teachers?), teachers may be compelled to a more forceful revolt.  Instead of striking, they could and should make a concerted effort to mount opposition against all of those unopposed elected offices we hear so much about in the news.

Teachers, more than any other group of society, ideally suited to take over government.  If the problem is corrupt government, teachers are theoretically equipped to inculcate moral standards.  If the problem is basic business know-how, teachers can show us how to add and subtract.  We can think of no problem that teachers are not ideally positioned to solve.

So, please, teachers, consider rolling up your sleeves and taking charge.  You will get your raise.  The poor will be relieved.  Workers will lose less fleece to predators, and everybody will be happy.  The ancient Romans acquired Greek philosophers to tutor their children, so that those children would be capable of wise and just rule.  The idea is an old one… the only just king is the philosopher king....

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Polarization, Poverty



Poverty is among the more significant polarizations in our society; yet, it is rarely, if ever discussed in the news.  Its root causes are never discussed.  This is one of the more serious defects of Name Brand News: failing to give an honest appraisal of the poverty situation in America.  This is one instance where the press could make a real difference; but, does not.  Why not?  Because the wicked perpetrators of poverty own the press.

Poverty is also an issue that government could deal with more forthrightly; but doesn’t.  Why not?  Same answer….  Because the wicked perpetrators of poverty, largely the Shadow Government, own government.  By playing off petty polarization issues that keep us at war with each other, they sidestep the issue and avoid dealing with it.  In this evil, the press commits a real disservice to the public by failing to expose it.

There once was a time when our government could be characterized by trust busting, job creation, and true concern for the poor: not just lip service.  Journalists who had the stones to stand up against such antisocial treatment of the poor, were marked by the pejorative, “muckrakers”, in an attempt to discredit and marginalize them: yet, they had the truth on their side, and for a time, prevailed.

It is not enough that we find better pay for teachers.  The working poor, produce a large proportion of the wealth of this country.  Working poor and other working classes produce all of that wealth: but, it is taken from them at law by people who do no work, produce no wealth, and are nothing but leaches and parasites on the economy.  This, we insist, is gross larceny, and terribly unfair: the poor have a right, the right of creation, to a bigger slice of the pie.  Yet, in the bitterest of ironies, a raise for teachers will only be foisted off on the very poor, who are least able to bear it… on their backs.

We have noted before that the responsibility for funding all education rests with those who need the product: primarily the military establishment; manufacturing; and, the new kid on the block, communications industry; as well as other industries.  We believe that all such education should be funded by scholarships awarded by a process of vetting.  Since all education would then be a free ride, wages should never be education related… they should be contribution related.  The superintendent, and principal does not have a God given right to higher pay than teachers: leaders were chosen for their administrative gifts; star teachers, chosen for teaching gifts, may easily contribute more than leaders to the education system.

Similarly, the working poor may easily contribute more to society than their bosses do.  Still, wage scales are not the core of the problem; creating a class polarization over wage scales may ease some of the burden: but, that won’t fix the problem.  To fix a problem, we have to locate and deal with the root cause: which is much harder to do.

The root causes of poverty are hard to discover, especially since the media continue to obfuscate the problem.  The urban legends (lies) surrounding poverty include: the poor are lazy; they refuse to work; they are uneducated, stupid, and don’t deserve more.  As a matter of fact, the working poor work far harder than those at the other end of the scale.  Many of them cope with broken homes: for example, working single mothers, trying to feed and clothe children, refusing to let their children run wild, while they toil: the double burden is devastating.  These don’t refuse to work: jobs, good jobs especially, are simply hard to find; good jobs accessible to the poor, simply do not exist for the most part: so to be poor means to be locked into the drudgery and slavery of minimum wages, in a self-perpetuating cycle that has no remedy.  Don’t try to tell me that these folks refuse to work; I’ve seen them work, given half a chance.  They’ve been kicked into the ditch by the cruel accidents of life; while very few are willing to give them a hand up again.  Education?  How in the world is anyone holding down one or more minimum wage jobs, caring for a house full of kids, with no assisting spouse, no other help, no extra money, and no surplus time, supposed to get an education.  I’ve been there; have you?  Stupid?  Most of them are smarter than you are: they have to be, just to survive.  Well, they shouldn’t have had so many kids, says the self-righteous, pious ass… you’re not hot blooded, are you?

So why is poverty such an epidemic in America; while gross poverty characterizes most of the world.  Why is it that, among nearly 7.5 billion people on this ball of dirt, that many of them will not have a decent meal today, or tomorrow… or ever?  Or even a clean glass of water?  Many will not have decent clothes.  Many will not have a roof over their heads, much needed medical attention, and all the other burdens associated with poverty.

Don’t tell me that the root cause is that our many charities are not doing enough, not working hard enough.  Yes, even our charities are preyed upon by robbers and thieves.  Some are even false-charities: mascaraing, being nothing more than fronts for robbers and thieves that detract from the work of worthwhile charities.

The root problem is the stagnant glut of power and wealth at the other end of the scale.  The fact is that roughly thirty to forty thousand people hold, and control the bulk of this worlds wealth and its power.  These few have the only votes that matter: the rest have lost their franchise.  So, much for government of the people, by the people, and for the people: that’s just an old worn-out dirty joke; the scandal and shame of modern America.

If these thirty-five thousand had earned their wealth by hard work and honest toil: more power to them.  They did not!  Most of them did no work at all.  For most of them, the rest of the populace are just so many sheep; fleecing us blind every year, and butchering us off for dog food when we get too old to produce: with scarcely food paid in return.  Well, it’s one thing to fleece a sheep; it’s quite another to fleece a fellow human being without paying a just price for the wool.

What form, specifically, do these giant shears take, that so easily fleece the world’s poor populace.  Exactly how are the wages of the poor held back by fraud.[i]  What scissors separate the wealth created by one person and drop it into the pockets of another.  There are several such inventions devised by the wicked; so many that we haven’t time or space to discuss them all: but principle among them all is usury.

A usury rate of only 1% doubles the cost to the poor in only 70 years, roughly a single lifetime… 2%, 35 years; 5%, 14 years; 10%, 7 years; 20%, 3.5 years.  The poor have no way to escape such danger.  When the poor seek a loan, they are saddled with a bad credit rating: they borrow at 20% usury or more.  If they avoid debt, of necessity: for no one will lend them anything; everything they buy is saddled with a usury price.  Every business, every government, even many churches are leverage through debt.  The poor cannot buy a hamburger without paying twice its value.  If the poor are lucky enough to own a shack they will pay thrice or more of what it’s worth in thirty-years-time.  Our governments are buried in debt.  Congress can’t discuss a budget without a 2 to 5% or greater increase.  All of these costs fall on the backs of the poor.  Even if an individual avoids personal debt; the cost of usury is applied through all goods and services, even government goods and services.

The greatest and most evil polarization in America is the polarization of poverty caused primarily by usury.  St. James blames one class of people….

[i] James 5:1-7

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Polarization, Education



Education loans are another kettle of fish.  These also do their part to polarize society.  The entrapment of gullible youth, naively seeking to get ahead: to start a career, build a life, find a better job… has turned into a national outrage.  To deliberately press the point, in a ridiculous[i] and sarcastic reductio ad absurdum: we are headed toward a society where a graduate PhD struggles to keep a job as a chain store greeter at minimum wage; yet, is saddled with a million-dollar debt that can never be repaid: the idiot[ii] owns the Lamborghini of education; can’t make the payments; and the bank has no means of repossession.  This raises the question, who is responsible to pay for education?

In its original concept, the Deluder Satan Act (1647), education became a matter of Massachusetts Law: therefore, the Sovereign State of Massachusetts bears sole responsibility for funding it.  The concept provided for “Reading, ‘Riting, and ‘Rithmetic”… finishing around sixth grade.  There was no concept of professional career competence involved.  The populace was well enough educated: to attend church and participate knowledgeably; as well as to go about life without being swindled.  Career development was a personal or family responsibility: as a result, the wealthy were better educated.  But, at least the poor were well enough educated that they were not the prey of the wealthy in the marketplace or at theology: they were partially armed against being defrauded.

Sunday Schools began with a similar intent.  Slaves were taught to read and write so that they could understand their Bibles, and become good Christians.  Professional education and training was the responsibility of the plantation owner, not a burden on society; it was a normal cost of doing business.  Thus, slaves were educated in accordance with the owner’s needs… if a bookkeeper was needed, a bookkeeper was trained: but, not to a better paying job… a slave was, after all, still a slave.

However, with the rise of the industrial revolution, there was a massive shift in education needs, philosophy, priorities, requirements and responsibilities.  Education is no longer a service to mankind.  Education is now a requirement of the factory.  Business is responsible to pay for all education beyond sixth grade.

Professional skills, learning to farm from your father who farmed, are less and less needed: while new professional skills become essential.  The simple landed farmer is disappearing from the earth.  Corrupt lending and taxation practices, as well as inflation, make it less and less likely that the kids will inherit the farm: besides, most of the kids want to move to the city where life is exciting and fun, where “better” jobs are available.  What the kids don’t realize is that with the loss of the farm, is the attendant loss of bargaining power, as well as the concomitant loss of freedom: they no longer have a shared ownership in anything, they are becoming slaves.

Factory work becomes the dominant mode of employment.  Tales of sweatshop terror are not difficult to find: they fill the pages of American, as well as British literature.  Factory brutality and death are well documented… everybody knows the horror stories.  Somehow or other the wealthy factory power players convinced the populace that a certain minimum level of professional education was necessary for society; and should be funded from the public pocketbook: high school education was born.  This is all profit for the wealthy factory power players: they get to eliminate a normal cost of doing business, as well as a bothersome responsibility, foisting it off on the general populace.  Granted, some of the cost elimination is recouped through taxes: but, only a very small part of it.  Irony of ironies, the employee now has to pay for his own job training through taxes.

It only gets worse: the employee has lost his franchise, his vestiture and voice in the business.  He was part owner of the farm, and lawful heir.  In a downturn economy, he could not be fired, and almost always had a bed, food, clothing and a say-so in the solution process.  As an employee, he owns nothing, inherits nothing, and is laid off or fired during a downturn economy: in many ways, he is worse off than a slave.

Moreover, his tax situation has changed radically.  On the farm, food produced on the farm, was tax free, as were many other goods and services, which were all deductible business expenses.  Only the profit on goods sold, capital gain was taxable.  Goods sold at loss, capital losses were tax deductions.

As an employee, all of these things are now taxable: for the employee making a living wage, even those necessities for life are now taxable.  A few employees made a saving wage.  Down on the farm, only the saving portion of the wage, the true profit, would be taxable… now, everything is taxable.

But, not for the wealthy owners: who retain all of the franchise and all of the rights of expense deduction.  The employee is now at a distinctly unfair disadvantage: employers are taxed on capital gains, employees are taxed on the whole paycheck.  It will be a while before tax law even attempts to level this field.  At square one, business should have born the entire cost of high school education: it was exclusively for their benefit.

Such is the glory of a career, which women have come to envy so much… no it’s a lethal trap.

The demand for educated employees is a business issue, not a human right, not a public responsibility.  Education, as with any other manufacturing plant, begins with a raw material and ends with a finished product.  If that product is not marketable: the business can and should go out of business.  Since, the business community is the consumer of such products: businesses should expect to buy graduates at a reasonable cost, not for free as a burden on society.  In other words, education is a cost of doing business, which businesses should have to pay up-front in the form of vetting and providing scholarships for their choices.  Nobody should have to pay to go to college.  Nobody should go to college, if there isn’t a guaranteed job at the output end.  Let the bidding begin at high school graduation, or even before.[iii]

From the advent of massive war (the Civil War and beyond); government itself became the business consuming around half of the advanced education product: this is one reason that government now demands and designs the shape of education.  However, this is an extremely expensive, extravagantly costly business.  Those of our children who make it through this rigorous vetting process are turned into the inventors of weapons of mass destruction, the builders of marvelous killing machines.  Those of our children who fail at this vetting process are sent off to die to satisfy the selfish ambitions of others.  Ambitions, that are sold to us as justifiable war, or necessities of the peace keeping process.

From another perspective, education is the only business that does not have to market its product.  Schools have no sales force, little advertising, no wholesaling, no retail outlets: imagine an automobile manufacturer without car dealerships.  Schools don’t even have direct factory computer sales, distribution, and service… they don’t repair what they build either.  All the responsibility for the education product is dumped on the graduate.  No wonder, then, that the business has trouble maintaining funding… it has created a product for which there is no market.  Graduation does not guarantee employment, or even a good chance of purchase off-the-lot.

As far as that goes, nobody should graduate from high school until the high school PR department has placed them in a well-paying position… otherwise, why were they in high school to begin with, if not to develop employable professional skills.  This funny-business of loading education costs on individuals and society is a bunch of nonsense.  If your company wants an educated work force, pay for it from square one: stop dumping this on the populace as a tax load.  This foolishness creates a broken society with little hope of employment or survival.  Stop it.

All of the same arguments apply to college, only more so.

Neither, should pay scales be geared to one’s education level.  This creates the polarizing idea that somehow or other skilled trades are not valuable.  Now, America is suffering from a shortage of skilled trades.  An employee with four more years of education is no more valuable to business or society than the employee who has spent four years on the job.  During that same four-year period, both study, both learn, both improve.  In many ways, four years on the job is more valuable than four years spent in school: for four years on the job applies directly to production; whereas, education takes additional time to ripen.  At the end of eight years, four years of education and four more years on the job might be equivalent to eight years on the job.

Still, a greater risk for polarization remains.  In an already highly polarized society, new teachers begin work being already polarized, new students begin studies being already polarized, the political force funding, and ruling education is also a direct cause of polarization.  Such a style of education only serves to intensify the existent systemic polarization epidemic: education is reduced to little more than a public brainwash, which only gets worse the higher up the education ladder one goes.  One of the major problems of modern education is breaking this polarization, rather than inculcating it.  As a result, some of our best problem solvers are not educated.  Artists, in particular, may avoid education, or at least certain types of education, because education risks killing their latent creativity.  If one teacher is a fanatic Democrat, while the other is a fanatic Republican, all the student is apt to learn is improved fighting skill: students will probably not learn to bridge the gaps or find new solutions to existing polarizations: instead, they will go on marches, or otherwise mimic the polarization of the adults around them: they will attack each other, not the problem.

It is indeed tragic that teachers can’t make a fair wage.  What did you expect from an industry that was not funded by its customer sales; that never marketed its product; and dumped its responsibilities on government.  Now, at least in our State, government can’t keep up with the load: we have the worst State education system in our State.[iv]  Until, education can solve the polarization problem in education, and produce a marketable product: society will only be saddled with more polarization.  Think about it; we are currently polarized over whether teachers will or will not get a raise.

The name of the game is called divide and conquer.  The polarizers always win.  The polarized always loose.  We need to teach ourselves to stop attacking each other, and learn to attack the problem.  That is the situation we must reverse in and through education….

[i] Meaning to deliberately ridicule the problem, not that the idea is entirely ridiculous.  At our present rate of progress, the idea is not as farfetched as it might at first seem: we already have institutions dispensing PhDs like Aspirin tablets… they’re just more expensive.  The outcome is a totally incompetent person with a major degree.
In some respects, this has always been the case.  It is no secret; in fact it’s a public disgrace that the wealthy can hire professionals to write their papers and take their tests: thus, not earning a degree at all.  The irony of this is that it is a perfect preparation for life: for the wealthy will spend their careers directing others to do their work for them; yet, the real professional competence rests with the minions.

[ii] Etymologically, an idiot (one who keeps to himself) is an antisocial or private person, implying a certain lack of professional skills, like a dumb (speechless, not stupid) person… someone who could or would not defend himself.

[iii] Lest you be deluded into thinking that this is a ludicrous idea, consider the special treatment given to athletes at all levels.  Athletes in some sports now begin vetting at age four; exceptional candidates are recruited, even during grade school, certainly in high school, and intensively in college.  Before college graduation they already have promoters.  They are employed by contracts, not at will.  Name one other profession that receives such special attention and treatment… maybe some movie stars.
The rest of the education system is left hungry and wanting: yet, athletics contributes less to the public welfare than any other field.  Why?
I believe that all students should be provided equivalent opportunity and treatment as that afforded by sports programs: special recruiting, the whole works, including contractual employment… plus an offer of vestiture in the business.

[iv] Remember, “The best State fair in our State.”

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Polarization, Shadow Governments


Shadow Governments

Without buying into the paranoia of conspiracy movements; we hasten to point out that the Bible teaches us that Satan has a conspiracy movement: Satan sows tares in God’s field of wheat.[i]  So, conspiracy movements can and do exist.

We might be tempted to show excessive concern for these; yet, Christ commands us to leave them alone, lest we root up and kill the wheat.  But, this is exactly what we have done in all the movements throughout history in our futile attempts to purify the Church.  Both the Novatians[ii] and the Donatists[iii] splintered because they wanted a purer Church.  Augustine was accused with opposing the Donatists; what Augustine truly sought was a gentler treatment of those who had fallen.[iv]  Thus purification movements have continued down through the ages:[v] doing the exact opposite of what Christ commanded us to do, until we have around thirty-thousand denominations: each more perfect than the other.  Now we await the formation of more new denominations: the anti-monument and pro-monument churches; the anti-weapon and pro-weapon churches; and coming soon to Oklahoma, the anti-teacher and pro-teacher denominations.  When we explore the phenomena of four, seemingly identical, churches at one intersection: we soon discover that they developed one-at-a-time, as someone took offense over the cookies at a bake sale.  This is the spreading, growing church of the polarizations.

What Christ specifically commanded was to let them alone until the end of the age, when the angelic reapers would deal with the problem during the harvest.[vi]  Moreover, He commanded that we pray for the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest field.[vii]  Obviously, two different meanings of harvest are intended: one indicating evangelism; the other indicating judgment.

So, polarizing conspiracy movements exist, even in the Church; their ability to destroy is incredible… who can imagine or even count thirty-thousand denominations.  The healing remedy is forgiveness.[viii]  Thus we now turn our attention to consider another conspiracy movement, a polarizing force, a shadow government that has as much to do with running this world as any king, parliament, or president.  I’m not even sure that it has to be conspired to function; once tolerated, it takes on a life of its own: we refer, of course, to the banking-usury business and like industries.

The banking-usury business has done more than anything else to change the goal of human activity from service to mankind to making a profit.  It, by its very nature, intends to pit us against each other in business competition, which is considered a healthy benefit, rather than a perverse evil.  So, the new chain buys up property, just outside of our town, and promptly destroys the cooperative environmental culture of the town, through unequal, unfair, and unjust competition: the town fails because it can no longer compete.  The contorted buying power of the chain proves to be an economic juggernaut: it exists to destroy and divide society.

That this banking-usury business has tipped the scales of wealth to dump most of the worlds wealth into the laps of thirty or forty thousand people is no mystery.  Every one of us has heard of the 1% of the 1% of Americans.  If there are 350 million Americans, there are roughly 35 thousand very wealthy people, mostly Americans, who rule the world’s slightly less than 7.5 billion people, through debt slavery.  Few of these 35 thousand people hold public office: they buy and sell politicians as the employees and minions they are.

Many people see this banking-usury business as a Jewish conspiracy; maybe it is and maybe it isn’t.  The trouble with this line of thinking is that innocent Jews, who have nothing to do with the banking-usury business are punished; while most of the guilty Jews and other criminals get away, scot-free.

It is no use pretending that Jews are not historically involved.  Their war against Christianity has gone on since Paul persecuted Christians; since 40 vowed to kill Paul before supper; and down through the centuries.  They were evidently active in Venice, sowing lies of intrigue across the empire; helping to plot the Fourth Crusade, the downfall of Constantinople; and otherwise promoting discord behind a cloak of innocence.  For the cause of usury, they were expelled from England (1290) and Spain (1492).  Fleeing from Spain many Jews settled in Holland, coincident with the development and rise of the usurious Dutch Bank; coincident with growth of the Dutch West Indies Company.  Both were mirrored in the Bank of England and the East India Company, when Jews were readmitted to England.  A list of powerful modern bankers includes many Jewish names, besides Bloomberg and Rothschild: so some Jews are still in the business.[ix]

This, however, makes little or no difference.  We do not believe, as Henry Ford did: and popularized the idea of Jewish conspiracy.[x]  Even if true, we see little benefit in re-polarizing the world over Jew and Gentile.  We must identify the guilty and call them to repentance without polarizing the rest of the world in the process.

The heart of the matter is that both Old and New Testaments prohibit and condemn usury in any form.  It doesn't matter who does it: Gentile or Jew.  It's wrong.

What is necessary is to find a peaceful means of putting this world banking-usury business, this shadow government out of operation: so that, elected governments can operate without being manipulated by the financial sector.

Our suggestion is that a worldwide cap of 14% be set on all present usury.  That predatory practices, such as school loans[xi], be abolished immediately.  And that the usury cap be reduced by 1% a year until the legal amount of usury is zero.  Furthermore, that no existing rate of usury may be increased.  Put the poisonous snake of Shadow Government out of its misery....

[i] Matthew 13:24-30

[iv] Matthew 6:14-15

[vi] Matthew 13:24-30

[vii] Matthew 9:35-38; Luke 10:1-2

[viii] Matthew 6:14-15

[xi] Education loans are another kettle of fish, which we may attempt to boil in our next letter.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Polarization, Parties



The so-called “Two Party System” is a polarization causing machine.  In the final analysis, it is no better than the alleged Communist, thesis-antithesis-synthesis.  The philosophically idealistic, thesis-antithesis-synthesis, might work if we ever stopped to listen to the other side of the story: but, this is an ideal situation; most polarizations are not ideal; the Aristotelian perfect method of dividing sets into situation verses not-situation is rarely the true case of events.  Real life thesis and antithesis is a lot messier than that: but, the polarization already present in the argument leads only to one conclusion: I’m right, you’re wrong.  The true-to-life messiness of actual problems, almost always means that both sides are partly right and partly wrong.  Again, this might work if we ever stopped to listen to the other side of the story: yet, we rarely, if ever, do so.

The “Two Party System” tends to prohibit our listening to one another: for before we reach kindergarten, our homes are already hopelessly polarized: there are only two sides to every argument: I’m right, you’re wrong.  In kindergarten and sandbox this polarization is inculcated into our lives as a habit by a process called education.  By the time we reach history class, names have been firmly attached to each pole: Democrat and Republican.  Even the names have a biased pejorative twist: for Democrat calls forth the non-existent, yet persistent myth of Greek Democracy; while Republican reeks of the stench of the Roman Republic, with all its murderous manipulations: were you aware that all of the Julio-Claudian Caesars were murdered?[i]  Ongoing education only serves to deepen the rift.  Problem solvers are diverted into other pursuits by design.

The “Two Party System” might work if it publicly focused on real problems; in such a case, we might hope for reasoned solutions through honest debate.  Instead, trumped-up problems and solutions are posed as real and true.  The false problems obfuscate the real problems.  The false solutions cover up the fact that only minor issues were publicly resolved.  The real problems remain in the dark, behind closed doors, where the politicians, or other movers and shakers, divide the pie to their own satisfaction.  It does not take long, with the ensuing imbalance of wealth, for the public, who create virtually all true wealth, to figure out that they are being robbed blind; that politics is a major instrument in this robbery.  Nevertheless, polarization still works very effectively: we are suckers, easily drawn into silly arguments.

This follows any other business model based on profit as the greatest good.  In profit-centered mentality the objective is to relieve the customer of his money; with or without providing a fair exchange of goods or services in return.  In all such systems, the buyer and seller are placed in a direct competitive relationship: other sellers are not really competing against each other; nor are other buyers in competition: unless there is an extreme shortage or surplus of goods and services.  Most of the time this works out fairly equitably: the seller is not robbed; the buyer is not “skint”.  That is, until, we arrive at businesses like banking and usury, insurance and investments, and other businesses that offer no tangible goods or services… only invisible mystic services.  In politics, the politician is the direct adversary of, and competitor with, the citizen.  Democrats don’t really compete with Republicans; instead, they use well-designed false misleading questions to evaluate the statistical mood of the public: once the mind of the public herd is measured, they play out their hands to retain power and stay in office.

This has nothing to with solving problems.  Politicians are only interested in solving one problem: how to stay in office personally, how to retain their party’s power.  The natural function of human greed ensures that such a system self-perpetuates.  Hence, the parties accuse each other of having no platform.[ii]  The Presidential election decays into a cheap popularity contest.[iii]  So, the primary function of so-called “think tanks” is to figure out how to play the populace.  This is the only problem solving technique for which politicians have any real skill set.

The only way to overthrow such a well-organized system of polarization, manipulation, and power control is to eliminate it.  I’m not sure that this is even possible; or that other corrupt systems are any better.  Multi-party parliaments must build majorities by agreement, compromise, and alliance in order to form a “government”.  Ostensibly, any true public issue can be presented by forming a new party around that single issue: there must be a quid-pro-quo, for the bigger stronger parties to form a “government”.  Supposedly, the will of the public is served as different parties ebb or flow in terms of voters.  For this to work, voters would need to float between parties.  Optionally, we could chose a king.

So, do elections in Canada, England, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and the like, serve the people better than in the United States?  I don’t have the answer to that question.  Right now, it seems as if an effective new party or two in the United States, wouldn’t hurt.  We, of course, have other minority parties already; yet, they are so minuscule as to be ineffective.
The American populace has been duped into believing that the “Two Party System” of designed polarization is so beneficial to society, that a vote against it is a wasted vote.  Until we disabuse ourselves of the silly ineffectiveness of the “Two Party System” we will not make any headway.  We will continue to be locked into endless political polarization….

[i] Julius: stabbed to death in the Senate; Augustus: poisoned by his wife; Tiberius: smothered; Caligula: assassinated by Praetorian Guard; Claudius: poisoned by his wife; Nero: murder or suicide? at the hand of Epaphroditos.
[ii] Historically, the Democrats have produced much better platforms than Republicans.  The only true plank in a GOP platform is often, beat that dirty rat … Democrat.  The last GOP candidate to lead with platform building ideas was laughed off the stage (Fred Thompson).
[iii] If you sincerely think I’m wrong about this, lay out for me the true platform differences between Clinton and Trump: there are none (not the platform differences between their parties).  Then prove to me that both Clinton and Trump were not manipulated into candidacy by Michael Bloomberg, the master player.