Friday, April 6, 2018

Polarization, Strikes



Teacher’s strikes continue at several hot spots around the nation.  Obviously the teachers are not satisfied with the solutions, or lack of solutions being offered by slimy slippery politicians.  I can’t say that I blame the teachers either.  Something, a wicked polarizing force in society, is wrong here….

That being said, what sector of society is tasked with providing the fundamental tools for life?  There is only one answer… teachers!  Who is responsible for inculcating basic moral standards in society?  Teachers!  Who teaches the underlying philosophy of a culture?  Teachers!  Who prepares future politicians and other leaders for equitable and just rule?  Teachers!

We would suggest that if teachers are dissatisfied with the solutions offered by politicians that: a. the teachers have failed in their responsibility to train just leaders; or b. the leaders have corrupted themselves and rebelled against their training.  In either case, the ones best positioned to solve the problem are teachers.

So, education is not only saddled with the problem of operating a business without a marketing, sales, and service plan; education is now faced with a major product failure: a product failure that blocks their chances of just wages.  Teachers may be the only ones who have the tools to fix it.

I have no bones with the teacher’s strikes.  On the other hand, I think that teacher’s time would be better spent if they abandoned the strike and went back to the drawing board to answer the question, “What went wrong here?”

To begin with, where are the basic errors in governmental philosophy, and how do we fix them?  To change such philosophies, teachers may be compelled to rebuild or revise their own philosophical systems.  Such a task being thoughtfully completed (who else teaches thinking beside teachers?), teachers may be compelled to a more forceful revolt.  Instead of striking, they could and should make a concerted effort to mount opposition against all of those unopposed elected offices we hear so much about in the news.

Teachers, more than any other group of society, ideally suited to take over government.  If the problem is corrupt government, teachers are theoretically equipped to inculcate moral standards.  If the problem is basic business know-how, teachers can show us how to add and subtract.  We can think of no problem that teachers are not ideally positioned to solve.

So, please, teachers, consider rolling up your sleeves and taking charge.  You will get your raise.  The poor will be relieved.  Workers will lose less fleece to predators, and everybody will be happy.  The ancient Romans acquired Greek philosophers to tutor their children, so that those children would be capable of wise and just rule.  The idea is an old one… the only just king is the philosopher king....

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