Monday, February 24, 2014

My Path, His Path

I came, at last, to the end of my path.  I had not experienced shame for a long time.  Tonight, I was ashamed of myself for what I had done.  In my misery, I cried out, “Dear God, if there is a God, in heaven, if there is a heaven, help me.”  God heard that prayer of desperation, and blessed it.  He brought me onto a new path, His path.

“Blessed [is the] man who follows not [the] wishes of [the] wicked.  In [the] path of sinners, he stands not.  On the seat of [the] pestilent, he sits not.  But, his will [is] in the law of [the] Lord.  On His law, he meditates day and night.  He is as the tree, having been planted beside the path of waters, who gives his fruit in his time.  His leaf [is] not cast away.  Whatever he shall do follows the good path.

“Not so, the wicked, not so: but [are] like the dust, which the wind casts out from the face of the earth.  Through this, [the] wicked arise not in [the] judgment, nor sinners in [the] wishes of [the] righteous.  Because [the] Lord knows, [the] path of [the] righteous.  [The] path of [the] wicked perishes.”[i]

[i] Psalm 1

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